Weather Manipulation: The Fabrication of Evidence for the Climate Change Hoax

We ought to consider what else do climate alarmists do when objective scientific evidence does not support their hypothesis, but they are supposed to sell a lie anyway? Well, they make up evidence. And Dr Moore, exposes this further. He says that the so-called climate alarmists “build a computer model that gives them the answer they want, and then tell you that they’ve got evidence that this is going to happen in the future.”
However, manufacturing evidence is not an end on its own. It appears necessary for climate alarmists to manufacture evidence at a scale that grants them wiggle room to garner legitimacy for their intended goals, which is to gain sanction for a massive curb in human rights and liberties, and achieve global control. There are many examples of this fact. For instance, the covid plandemic – which was based on an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.00-0.57% (0.05% for people under 70 years of age), which is far lower than originally predicted, and no different to severe flu – was used to justify global lockdowns and vaccination mandates through fear mongering. Following this was the WHO’s failed pandemic accord, which was followed with the pronouncement from the WHO’s DG regarding monkeypox being declared a public health emergency.
But, even specific to climate change, there is even a call for suppression of dissenting information and evidence in an effort to enable climate alarmists to dominate the narrative on climate change discussions. In fact, I believe you would recall our discussion on John Kerry, who while speaking on a panel on climate change at the World Economic Forum, lamented what he regards as insufficient censorship of “disinformation” and called on his allies to “win the ground, win the right to govern” in order to be “free be able to implement change” despite the “major block” of the First Amendment. But a survey of the dismal state of free speech in the United States shows that Kerry and his allies have already developed means to sidestep the “major block” of the First Amendment. Hillary Clinton herself has floated the idea of criminal penalties for the spreading of “misinformation.” In addition, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has similarly called for “reining in the media environment” so that people cannot just “spew information.”
But, weather modification techniques are now also being used as a means of fabricating evidence for climate change and climate change-related issues. For instance, Senator Herbert Kohl discussed that the US government has created ‘Weather Tampering Techniques’ so that the New World Order will be able to starve millions of Americans and will be able to control the rest; but meanwhile they say the food shortages are either due to the proxy way between NATO and Russia in Ukraine, or climate change-related disasters like famine and drought.
But, a whistleblower by the name of Kristen Meghan in her work exposing the hidden information behind chemtrails, has emphasised that climate engineering or weather manipulation has largely been admitted to the public as a means of addressing climate change. She further ads that on the other hand, the climate change that should be a matter of concern is that which is a result of geo or climate engineering. She is absolutely right; and the essence of her sentiments proves that climate engineering is how destructive climate change is materialised.
But, in a world where people always have dissenting views, if a cohort of people go to drastic means to manufacture evidence that is supposed to make people conform to their narrative, we have to ask why they would pursue such means. In fact, it is worth noting that the “climate crisis” narrative (especially) being promoted by Western billionaire self-proclaimed philanthropists and Western multinational corporations seldom addresses the fact that environmental degradation is in large part DUE TO POVERTY – which is another real man-made issue, as opposed to anthropogenic factors of climate change! Now, regarding how poverty has fueled environmental degradation, when a handful of people own large tracts of land and consign the abject poor to tiny spaces in slums in cities and towns and in rural villages, the environment is bound to be degraded through poor sanitation that pollutes waterways, results in inadequate disposal of household waste, and gives rise to the over-exploitation of land for agricultural purposes, among others.
Think about it: how many places have passed that are capable of sustaining communities, and yet are bare, while driving to an area where people are concentrated? Of course in response to this, it is often said that this is due to push or full factors that mostly have to do with people gravitating towards areas with more economic activity. But, that reasoning is implausible because it is addressed by a simple demand and supply argument. Create or expand business to new areas and people will also have a reason to move there – much like they did in the areas that are overpopulated. But this is not being done because a number of places that are overpopulated and are experiencing environmental degradation were intentionally formed as enclaves for people who were less regarded. We see this with the projects in the US, the favelas in Brazil, Soweto and Alexandra in South Africa.
Yet it is these same “philanthropists” and corporations, the beneficiaries of the gross economic inequalities, who mainly fund research on conservation, and are therefore able to ensure that this vital issue remains largely unaddressed. Furthermore, through the so-called One Health Approach, the discourse on conservation now threatens to overshadow and distort most, if not all, other discourses. It is noteworthy that the twelve Manhattan Principles on “One World, One Health’” that I earlier referred to say nothing explicitly about the need to protect and promote human rights. Instead, the One Health Initiative is unequivocal in its declaration that it will “unite human and veterinary medicine.” Clearly, this is an attempt to devalue human dignity which is one of the bedrocks of human rights, considering human life to be of equal value with the life of domestic animals, wild animals, and ecosystems.
And all of this is out of control: from electric vehicles to mega cities. The climate change hoax touches on energy and energy consumption; therefore, the efforts to control how people access energy or how much of it, is about gaining greater control over the human populace.
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso

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