Unmasking The Yellow Deceiver/ The Dark Side Of Corn You Weren’t Told About

Unmasking The Yellow Deceiver/ The Dark Side Of Corn You Weren’t Told About
Loveworld / 8 hours
April 17, 2024
2 min read
In Africa due to tradition and culture, Africans consume a lot of corn most of the time unconsciously. When corn first arrived Africa in the about 500 years ago, many tribes in Africa abandoned their original staple foods and embraced corn. This as we know today have brought several health problems to the population. Most people don’t consume a balance diet, this is not directly linked to poverty, but surprisingly to the culture. How Did corn become a staple food at the same time a staple bringer of heart related diseases.
The Hidden Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. High fructose Corn syrup is basically only MASS and nothing else but the food industry could store it up to 12 years, keep their corn subsidy and reduce their costs effectively. GMO corn is toxic/Why the public is kept in dark abt the real dangers of Monsanto’s best selling herbicide.
There’s a reason people refer to corn as yellow gold. In 2021, the United States’ corn crop was worth over $86 billion. According to the USDA, the U.S. is the largest consumer, producer and exporter of corn in the world. It’s not just what we eat. Corn is in what we buy and how we fuel up. Now, the rest of the world relies on U.S. corn, too. At $2.2 billion in 2019, corn is the most heavily subsidized of all crops. Here’s how the U.S. started fueling its economy with corn.
There is definitely a question that has to be answered. Seeing that corn is not healthy and was not really something one had to consume…why are some folks still obsessed with corn?