Undesked : The True Purpose of the Theory of Evolution by Wanda Sigagayi


Undesked : The True Purpose of the Theory of Evolution by Wanda Sigagayi

Loveworld / 41 mins

September 19, 2024

2 min read

The theory of evolution through natural selection became popular through the work of Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace when they published a new evolutionary theory, which was explained in detail in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species book, that was released in 1859. Both Charles and Alfred are naturalists. The movement of naturalism affirms the reality of the natural world, rejecting any views of God or any form of deity, the soul, and values when these are understood to be supernatural or transcending the natural world.
According to the theory of evolution, man comes from a germ in the ocean which evolved into a fish which grew four legs and then came on land. As ridiculous as that sounds. After it adapted new organs, both internal and external, it evolved even further to walk on only 2 of the 4 legs. And thus we have the so-called “ancestor” of both ape and man.
As a naturalist, Darwin naturally came to the conclusion that the design of things on earth came without heavenly intervention. The problem with this is that it gives no answer to both the beginning and the end of time and all things. So in order to have some sort of explanation for the origin of mankind (and all fauna and flora) the theory of evolution began. Which goes as follows, Man evolved, on his own, from a simple creature to the most complex and intricately designed living organism in the universe. As a naturalist, Darwin looked up to the teachings of other Godless people, some of whom inspired the depopulation agenda that the globalists now religiously follow. Such as Thomas Malthus.

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