The War Against Human Trafficking in the United States

Now, while Democrats and their sympathisers seemed to have taken their massive loss against President Donald Trump silently, it is anything but so. Not only is the Democrat establishment and other cabal-linked leaders and organisations still plotting for nothing less than the death of Donald Trump (the man they conceded has amounted to a destruction of their agenda) but, they also continue in vain efforts to frustrate the flourishing of nations and the well-being of their people.
One such way is through lax immigration policies. Meanwhile, there are those who try to paint the notable contrast of Trump’s stricter approach to immigration as inhumane. THEREFORE, more than ever, it is crucial to highlight that lax immigration policies have served to fuel human and child trafficking, while strict immigration policies are not only serving to protect the US’s border, but have also been instrumental in curbing and addressing the trafficking epidemic.
The war against human trafficking in the US; and we ought to begin with some historical context. When the Honduran-registered freighter the Golden Venture ran aground off the New York coast in June 1993, hundreds of Chinese immigrants attempting to enter the United States illegally were forced to plunge into the North Atlantic and swim to shore. Ten immigrants died trying to reach land.’ The vivid scenes of illegal Chinese immigrants risking their lives to swim to freedom in the United States after enduring a lengthy voyage under deplorable conditions highlights the emerging global problem of immigrant smuggling. Since the Golden Venture incident, the immigrant smuggling problem has escalated, not only in the sheer magnitude of smuggling operations but also in the amount of human suffering. In fact, this underground trade in human beings exacts such an enormous toll in human misery that it has been called a modem version of the slave trade.
Faced with poverty and deprivation in their home countries, many immigrants make deals with unscrupulous smugglers who secretly transport the immigrants into countries where their prospects seem brighter. Unfortunately, smuggling networks subject immigrants to deplorable conditions in transit, and then deliverer them to “a life of indentured servitude, torture, fear and extortion” until they can pay the exorbitant prices charged by their smugglers.’ The immigrants’ ability to raise sufficient funds in the underground economy to pay smugglers’ exorbitant fees is so limited that it takes some immigrants years to pay off the balance. In a congressional
hearing on immigrant smuggling, Congressman George Sangmeister noted, “Aliens from the People’s Republic of China are selling themselves into virtual slavery for a boat ride to the United States.”” Jonas Widgren, head of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna, also claims that immigrant smuggling represents a “new form of slavery” in which immigrants frequently are coerced “into a lifelong dependence to pay the Smugglers.’
The danger to immigrants who are involved with smugglers is increased by the criminal element involved in immigrant smuggling. Organised crime, particularly Asian criminal gangs, controls the overwhelming majority of this illicit trade. In what amounts to a $5-7 billion industry annually,’ immigrant smuggling generates a tremendous source of revenue which strengthens the power and influence of criminal organisations.’ Recognising this connection, one Washington official called immigrant smuggling “the single most important criminal threat to the United States.”
What came to the fore in this period was perhaps the commencement of the Democratic Party’s complicit nature to the immigration crisis. More specifically, in response to the unfolding immigrant smuggling crisis during this period, the Clinton Administration promised an aggressive anti-smuggling plan,” but following that promise, the US response was ineffective or practically nonexistent. In 1994 Congress debated a Crime Bill which included enhanced penalties for immigrant smuggling offences, but when Congress finally passed the Bill, all the anti-smuggling provisions were dropped from the legislation. Jack Shaw, who was the assistant
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) commissioner for Investigations at the time noted that anti-smuggling programs actually ceased to be a high priority with the INS. As a result, smugglers continued their operations with impunity. It is perhaps against this backdrop, that Democrats in the Biden-Harris administration drew additional inspiration for the immigration policy. The reality is that smugglers still continue to operate in the present. For instance, you’d recall that we discussed that a migrant gang based in New Jersey is smuggling illegal immigrants into the United States through the Canadian border for a princely sum of $6,000 per head. But, despite the fact that these individuals have been caught several times before, the gang continued to operate during the Biden-Harris administration! But, of course, when we consider the testimony from ex-border chief Aaron Heitke, it is not difficult to appreciate why law enforcement was relaxed about crimes from immigrants or even border security.
In essence, the testimony from ex-border chief Aaron Heitke emphasises that the Democratic regime has for decades worsened the immigration smuggling problem by either not prioritising strict legislation and law enforcement measures against, while also diluting strict immigration laws to allow the easy entry of undocumented individuals. While the Democrats paint this as a mercy for struggling mothers escaping gangs, they’ve managed to conveniently not discuss how this system has been capitalised on by those running smuggling and trafficking operations.
There are two reasons why this historical context matters in the present. First, in Los Angeles, near the Union Pacific railroad yard, large messages spelling out ‘HELP’ and ‘TRAFFICO’ have been spotted on Google Maps. These signals, surrounded by debris and shipping containers, have sparked public speculation regarding possible human trafficking activities. However, there has been no official confirmation or investigation outcomes regarding these messages. In any case, this development has generated much attention because it is a plausible human-trafficking linked incident.
Now, while this footage is still speculative, it does, HOWEVER, highlight the fact that it is a VERY LIKELY issue in the United states. You’d recall that part of the euphemistic language used to justify lax immigration policies is that immigration is a complete and simple panacea: the prevailing narrative is that if you leave Africa, Latin America or Southeast Asia for the US or European countries, you are relatively better off there than you are in your country. Unfortunately, this has meant illegal immigration not only continues thus fueling human trafficking when people arrive in recipient countries, but some actually never even make it to the recipient country because they die while making the journey – so much so that it is almost common to hear of immigrants who died while travelling to a certain country, or immigrants kept in containers in isolated areas like the ones seen in the speculated video. For instance, Representative August Pfluger (R-TX), decried tragedies like the deaths of 53 migrants abandoned in a trailer near San Antonio. This issue came up in the impeachment hearing of Secretary Mayorkas.
This brings us to the second reason why the historical context of human trafficking in the United States matters for the present: White House official Stephen Miller confirmed the new Trump Administration’s goal of finding all of the 325,000 missing children and prosecuting guilty Democrat officials. However, it does not stop there – this new Trump administration is reported to have already found approximately 75 000 of the missing children. And here’s the (frankly) infuriating context of the missing children.
But now, the extent of this triumphant milestone (of finding approximately 75 000 of the missing children) ought not to be taken for granted; it truly amounts not only to the actual finding of missing children, but is a push back against the war on the innocence of these children. A war that the previous administration is culpable in driving – because the reality is that these children are not missing’; it is very hard to lose a person; ESPECIALLY a child because of the great body of protective laws aimed at preserving the well-being of children, In fact, in the legal jurisprudence of most nations, South Africa included, any contestation involving a child in court, will hinge on the determination of the best interests of the child first. THEREFORE, the Biden-Harris administration did not lose over 350 000 children. They absolutely know what happened to those children (although details may vary), because the difficulty in finding these particular children is revealing of intentional efforts to conceal them.
This is an essential advancement from this Trump administration! ESPECIALLY when considering that human trafficking has become a lucrative criminal market in the United States. The commodities involved in this illicit trade are men, women, and children. Traffickers transport undocumented migrants into the US and a number of European countries for work in licit, semi-illicit and illicit industries. The traffickers’ foremost goal is to maximise profits — often resulting in physical and mental exploitation of the victims. But, now human trafficking shares certain dynamics with immigrant smuggling, but is different in having the additional elements of coercion and/or exploitation. Smuggling produces short-term profits.
Trafficking, on the other hand, includes long-term exploitation to continue to produce profits. The criminality associated with trafficking usually continues after the migrants reach the recipient countries. There are also degrees of voluntariness associated with human trafficking. It can be completely voluntary – where the migrant chooses to work overseas. Or, it can be completely involuntary, where migrants are kidnapped, abducted, confined and subjected to other human rights abuses. Examples of this include women who agree to come to the US as waitresses or dancers, but then are forced into prostitution or domestic servitude. Well, here’s the Polk County Sheriff addressing how a Human Trafficking Bust Revealed that the US Government under the Biden-Harris administration is Flying Illegal Immigrant Sex Workers to Major Metropolitan Areas for free.
Also included in the victims to this system are children who are abducted from abroad to work in the production of obscene material and prostitution rings, and even migrant workers who are forced to work in indentured servitude in order to pay off their trafficking; and this is an aspect of trafficking that has especially affected children. In light of this, Senator Ted Cruz has not only highlighted the issue, but even blasted Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about children being sold into Sex slavery, while Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (who is second to Kamala Harris in being responsible for the border under the Biden-Harris administration) said that he did NOT even know this issue was taking place.
Ultimately, these concerns on human and child trafficking, the speculative satellite footage, and even the advances of the new Trump administration in fulfilling the promise of finding the missing children culminate in a strong refutation of those protesting Trump’s strict approach to immigration. These developments indicate that lax immigrations laws do not guarantee safe entry into a foreign nation; however, they do enable those with sinister and criminal motives to operate their trafficking operations with ease.
Therefore, under president Trump, strict immigration is not just about protecting the borders of the US and allowing due process to adjudicate who enters (which is essential), RATHER, we are learning more and more that those who are strict on immigration understand the price that is paid by even those from outside their respective nation. In fact, we saw the same attitude from President Trump’s Border Tzar, Mr Tom Homan.
But, we have surely prayed, and continue to pray. Therefore, in this glorious Year of Completeness, all satanic and globalist agendas are suspended; they will live in our world, and we will not live in theirs, as we wrap up the Church age. And so, let us keep fighting the good fight of faith, because we have truly already won.