The War Against Diabolical Conglomerates

There are a number of practices in present day society that are reminiscent of the diabolical agendas of societies years ago, that were prompted by demonic influence. In Psalm 106:37 in the ASV, we read that “Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto demons, And shed innocent blood, Even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, Whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with blood.” And this tells us that child sacrifice was such a grossly normalised and even sensationalised religious practice, that the land of Canaan was polluted with blood.
However, today, these demonic influences certainly do not manifest the same. Instead of the idols and sacrificial altars that were built then, or even the assyrian or babylonian empires that were set up then; TODAY, they set up massive conglomerates that control different aspects of human life.
So, what would the manifestation of a conglomerate or conglomerates that supports child sacrifice look like today? Well, as the President of Loveworld Incorporated has stated, by their works we know them. Which brings us to the ever notorious and ironically named “Planned Parenthood”. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast ran the biggest abortion clinic in the western Hemisphere in Houston, Texas. This abortion clinic not only aborted babies up to 6 months, but they sold the aborted babies for experiments. Why is this important to note: first, it emphasises that they are not an entity advocating the safety or life of the mother, they function with a blatant disregard for the life of an unborn child. But to further appreciate the gravity of the truth that these people are controlled by demonic forces, kindly have a listen to how they speak about the bodies of the children that were aborted.
Planned Parenthood is implicated in an abortion scandal. More specifically, you’d recall that we recently discussed a judge ruling, on the 19th of June this year, from a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey accusing Planned Parenthood of transporting minors out of state for abortions will move forward. The lawsuit is based on conversations between Planned Parenthood staff and a man from a conservative activist group who secretly filmed the staff while inquiring about an abortion for his fake 13-year-old niece. The video, which was captured in December, was posted on social media by the conservative activist group and self-proclaimed right wing news organisation that often conducts undercover stings.
Planned Parenthood Great Plains, which runs the Kansas City area clinic where the video was taken, asked that the judge dismiss the lawsuit shortly after it was filed. Furthermore, at a hearing in early June, John Andrew Hirth, an attorney for Planned Parenthood, said there was no proof the Kansas City area clinic broke the law. However, the Boone County Judge, Brouck Jacobs, found merit for moving forward with the case.
People who are not possessed by a spirit that disregards human life do not speak of killing children so casually and cavalier; they also do not formulate mechanism to enable abortions to take place at the expense of the law. They also do not set up shop outside a political convention so people can simply abort a child, as though it is a simple and inconsequential to-do item on their list for the day. THEREFORE, institutions like Planned Parenthood, who sensationalise abortion (beyond considerations about a mother’s life or rape cases) might well be a manifestation of demonic spirits that demanded child sacrifice. Their works, which we’ve just heard about, do not show an organisation that is providing a health service, they are providing an avenue to kill unborn babies. Today, groups like feminists and other liberals make the argument that abortion is permissible simply because women should get to make a choice about whether they want to carry a baby – for them it is an argument of the woman’s agency, and in no way about life.
But, these conglomerates proceed to dehumanise unborn children. There has been a debate on the definition of a baby, and contrasting that to a foetus. The purpose is to justify abortion at a certain stage, particularly the stage where the unborn baby is called a foetus and not a baby. Well, in this debate, one of the most famous, and concurrently one of the most ridiculed, arguments against the claimed morality of abortion is the argument on foetal potential. This argument maintains that the foetus’ potential to become a person and enjoy the valuable life common to persons entails that its destruction is prima facie morally impermissible.
Now, many who reject the argument do so because they believe that it results in what is often called the “sperm/ova problem”, which claims that if we regard the potential of a foetus to become a person as a morally relevant reason against killing it, we must also hold the same of human gametes, who also possess the potential to become persons. For example, a Bonnie Steinbock claims that to say that abortion is morally wrong because a foetus has potential to become a person would mean that even abstinence would have to be considered morally wrong.
This is an obviously ridiculous argument and a strawman at best, because abstinence does not involve the killing of a fertilised egg where the likehood of it developing into a person has commenced. There is simply no conception where abstinence is concerned. BUT, the argument of foetal potential is significant because it is one of the ways we explain the stewardship that adults have in regard to babies. Newborn infants lack the psychological maturity to possess goals, aims, beliefs, or purposes. And yet, this does NOT exclude them from moral consideration – which is to say, we still regard them as people capable of developing these conscious goals and beliefs, and adults thus take on the responsibility to care for them until the infants are grown and operate as adults with a stewardship capacity of their own.
And so, the capitalisation on the word foetus is about trying to reduce unborn babies to inanimate cells who do not possess the attributes of a human life and human potential is to lie to one’s self, in effort to justify the killing of that unborn child. This attitude is seen in a number of abortion conglomerates, like we’ve just seen. It is seen even in a number of practitioners. In fact, kindly recall what a Dr Cesare Santangelo said as he explained in detail how he lets babies die after they are born alive in botched abortions. This was 2012, and yet it is said that he still practises!
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso

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