The War Against Covid Deception: Vaccine Passports, Corruption and the Pandemic Agreement

It is important that we not have a narrow focus on their activities during covid, because what we are seeing and what is coming to light for many should prompt greater curiosity on the workings of organisations like the WHO, the UN in general, as well and the UNSC, the WEF, the CDC, the European Commission and more. It is abhorrent what a number of these organisations are doing or have committed themselves to do even now, because the perpetrators of covid never intended for the nations to be free! And so, it is incumbent upon us to hold these organisations accountable for their ills, and also to take away power and influence by making apparent their deceptive works and failures.
From the time the covid jabs were announced, and vaccine mandates were being challenged, the WHO (and like-minded entities) began discussing the need for vaccine passports in an effort to coerce the masses to comply with mandates. This was coercion because without a vaccine passport, which one receives once they are vaccinated, people would not be allowed to access many places: be it schools, coffee shops, grocery shopping stores, public transport and more. It was essentially an apartheid-like system that conditionalised your access to basic necessities or simple pleasures on the grounds that you are vaccinated.
Reading from the WHO’s website this is what they said in June 2023 when they launched the covid certificate; they said: “The World Health Organization (WHO) and European Commission have announced today the launch of a landmark digital health partnership. In June 2023, the WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics.” Then they said (and this is the part I’d like to emphasise) “This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.”
First, in light of what we’ve just read, I believe it was not lost on you that they launched this system in the post-covid era, in June 2023. Secondly, I believe it was also not lost on you that they said that this is the “first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.” This is important to emphasise because it exposes that the covid perpetrators really never intended for the nations to be free. This is to say, that WHILE they suffered an embarrassment as people began to push back against the tyranny and loss of liberties that was accompanying their policies and decrees, they are still pursuing these measures even in a post-covid era where people have been emancipated from their deception and draconian laws, and are instead seeking for accountability. This is also important to emphasise because it highlights the importance of not exclusively looking at organisations like the WHO through the lens of what they did during covid – they are trying to remanufacture similar strategies in the present; and so we would be remiss to assume they have no sinister agenda today.