The US’s Extrication from the WHO, and the Suspension of the WHO’s Agenda By Lindokuhle Mabaso

And now onto our main discussion, and you would already be aware that President Donald Trump has signed an executive order extricating the US from the WHO. Section 1 of the Executive order states the purpose of as being that (quote): “The United States noticed its withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020 due to the organization’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic that arose out of Wuhan, China, and other global health crises, its failure to adopt urgently needed reforms, and its inability to demonstrate independence from the inappropriate political influence of WHO member states. In addition, the WHO continues to demand unfairly onerous payments from the United States, far out of proportion with other countries’ assessed payments. China, with a population of 1.4 billion, has 300 percent of the population of the United States, yet contributes nearly 90 percent less to the WHO.” Well, before we analyse the actions indicated in the executive order, let’s kindly revisit the moment of the signing and proclamation of the US’s exit from the WHO.
Let’s proceed to analyse the actions indicated in the executive order. In section 2 of the executive order signed by president Trump. In particular, in subsection (d) (i), (ii), and (iii), the executive order states that (quote): “(d) The Secretary of State and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall take appropriate measures, with all practicable speed, to: (i) pause the future transfer of any United States Government funds, support, or resources to the WHO; (ii) recall and reassign United States Government personnel or contractors working in any capacity with the WHO; and (iii) identify credible and transparent United States and international partners to assume necessary activities previously undertaken by the WHO.
These actions are significant for a number of reasons. First, the provisions of pausing the future transfer of any United States Government funds, support, or resources to the WHO, as well as recalling and reassigning United States Government personnel or contractors working in any capacity with the WHO achieves the purpose of preventing any financial and political support for the WHO. And while the WHO receives most of its funding from private entities through its embrace of stakeholder capitalism, it does mean for the US that this is one of the unnecessary costs to the US that therefore cease, and that money becomes revenue that the government spends on domestic affairs. Secondly, this means there is, therefore, no legal or political reason for a categorical imperative to support the WHO in any capacity. This is a blow to the alleged prestige of the WHO. It sends the message that the WHO is an organisation that is not only flawed, but is systematically incapable of change and this necessitates state parties to leave.
Then secondly, we ought to look at the third provision, which is on identifying credible and transparent United States and international partners to assume necessary activities previously undertaken by the WHO. This is a blow to the health policy monopoly that the WHO has been trying to achieve, because the US leaving the WHO communicates that the WHO’s assumed unipolar power and influence is actually subject to rejection. Secondly, this is the fulfilment of prophecy. You’d recall that the President of Loveworld Inc., the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD., mentioned in the year 2022 that the WEF, was the face of the deep state, and that it was in need of competitors. Now, knowing that it is the face of the deep state, and that it is part of the evil trinity that also comprises the UN AND the WHO, well, the WHO is also (therefore) not exempt from competitors!
Isn’t it incredible that the annual WEF January gathering in Davos – this year – has been overshadowed by the inauguration of President Trump? This is really to say that the WEF itself has also lost its stature, much like the WHO. But, the underlying reason for this is that they picked the wrong date to meet. The Davos gathering takes place on the 20th to the 24th of January, HOWEVER, God has purposed this time for the Church to pray and fast. Emphatically, it means that any plans they were devising are dead on arrival.
But, as far as the executive order extricating the US from the WHO is concerned, president Trump’s decision to withdraw from the WHO is a bold move that reaffirms America’s commitment to American independence and sovereignty. For too long, Americans have seen their resources funneled into an organisation that is more focused on globalist agendas than it ever was on genuine health matters. Therefore, this withdrawal is NOT just about cutting ties with a bureaucratic entity; it’s about redirecting America’s focus and funds towards strengthening its own national health infrastructure. And ensuring that American citizens are prioritised in its policies is now at the forefront. Furthermore, this is a clear message that America is reclaiming control from international bodies that have diametrically opposed agendas (especially when we consider its exit from the Paris Agreement as well). Really, this action champions the principle that America’s future should be decided by Americans, free from the influence of globalist bodies that do not have their best interests at heart.
But, as you would have imagined, there are a select few who are decrying the US’s exit from the WHO. For instance, a publication that is (ironically) called “Science” wrote that a US departure from the WHO would (quote) “sever the WHO’s ties to world-class USagencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which currently provide guidance to WHO on a range of topics—and receive crucial information in return.” Well, the response here is that this is PRECISELY the point of the exit from the WHO. The CDC and the FDA are drastically corrupt and flawed organisations, and this was exposed by their culpability in the COVID plandemic. Their association with the WHO has been in part what fuels their corruption and lack of credibility. Therefore, considering the new fundamentalist approach to health care in president Trump’s second term, which includes addressing the issues in organisations like the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and more, well this extrication is an opportunity for the America to clean up house; and not at all the disadvantage their claim it is.
Then additional critics further state that the US’s exit from the WHO would be detrimental because “Beyond its membership dues of roughly $110 million annually, the U.S. is one of the biggest voluntary donors, contributing $1.1 billion in 2022 and 2023 combined – meaning that the US provided about one-fifth of WHO’s budget. The publication further states that “other members might make up some of the difference, as they did when Trump slashed US contributions during his first term. However, European countries are facing other challenges, such as stagnating economies and pressure to increase defense spending.”
Let’s directly address this. First, the WHO is predominantly funded by private stakeholders, like the Gates and Clinton Foundations, because this enables them to control the WHO focus. Secondly, the US is among the few states that have such a significant contribution to the WHO. However, the predominant narrative from mAmericans and president Trump is that they are not getting their money’s worth, and that the funds would be better served financing organisations that align with their doctrine on health. This is a sovereign decision that America is entitled to make because they do not owe it to the WHO to finance its operations, especially where they no longer desire to be a part of it.
Secondly, the US is the most indebted country in the world. Why do European countries get to justify significantly less financial participation based on economic considerations, while the US is criticised for doing the same?! This proves that globalists are willing to sacrifice the wellbeing of Americans in service of their pursuits. And this issue is not exclusive to Americans but to all countries; therefore, there is no compelling reason for why any country should stay in such an organisation.
But, perhaps one of the benefits of the US’s exit from the WHO is that this will be coupled with another blow to Bill Gates’ depopulation agenda. More specifically, Bill Gates control of the World Health Organization so that it serves the purpose of being a conduit for mandating or distributing vaccines all over the world – in fact, Gates is involved in varying capacities, in the companies that make many vaccines.
Meanwhile, there is a protruding trend (extending beyond the US) of people seeking to extricate themselves from the WHO and its role in satanic and globalist agendas. In fact, there is a strong demand for severance from the WHO by British citizens. This demand is further fuelled by the news that the UK Government intends to extend the WHO’s control over the UK by agreeing to the International Health Regulations Amendments in March of this year (2025). Meanwhile, last year, over 100,000 members of the British public signed a petition to end British membership of the WHO. The UK Government rejected the petition and stated that it intends to continue with the membership.
But, there are a number of reasons why the British government is wrong. First, accepting the amendments in March will move Britain away from a parliamentary democracy to an autocratic dictatorship led by the unelected and unaccountable director general of the WHO. And yet, this is the same WHO has been accused of undue Chinese influence and also undue influence of its funders, which are typically regarded in globalist havens, such as the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation, among others.
The second reason why the British government is wrong to reject calls to exit the WHO is that the WHO treaty and the amendments are not about nation states working together to fight deadly pathogens. RATHER, they are a power grab by an unaccountable elite. This is especially considering that the new powers that the WHO will gain include the freedom to declare a pandemic, or even the potential for a pandemic, at which point all decision-making powers would fall under the control of the WHO. This would include the power to impose lockdown restrictions on all individuals in member states and make vaccinations or other medications mandatory. The WHO would also decide the healthcare for every man, woman and child living in the UK. The power to require a global health passport to be carried would also be given to the WHO. Nations would be required to surveil and censor the press and social media so that no dissenting voices can be heard.
However, history provides irrefutable and empirical evidence of why granting the WHO this power is detrimental. During the Covid-19 pandemic, recommendations by the WHO resulted in £400 billion on the UK national debt. Closing down the economy and society caused ravaging inflation and enormous NHS waiting lists. One million young people are now in need of mental health support and the damage to our children’s education and development is well documented.
Therefore, not only is the British government in error in rejecting this mandate (although that is expected from its Labour led government), but there is also a categorical imperative for it NOT to agree to the International Health Regulations Amendments in March this year, which is a pitiful effort to pass provisions from the failed Pandemic Accord.
But, we have surely prayed, and continue to pray. Therefore, in this glorious Year of Completeness, all satanic and globalist agendas are suspended; they will live in our world, and we will not live in theirs, as we wrap up the Church age. And so, let us keep fighting the good fight of faith, because we have truly already won.