The Truth About Horrific 15-Minute Prisons

Destroy and rebuild to control populations, the control of the weather seems even more likely to be a factor central planners can control to then require populations to move to areas after hurricane destruction. What 15-minute cities may sound nice, but they are actually about telling you how to live, where to travel, and what to do, Leilani Dowding tells Mark Steyn.
What are 15 Minute Cities?
What are 15 Minute Cities? It’s the agenda to divide cities into districts in which will limit movement within a radius of 15 minutes from the place of residence (a time of 15 minutes, i.e. the distance you can cover in a car, or in public transport in that amount of time). The excuse for that limited movement will of course be climate change, and for further movement you will need a permit.
Understanding Smart Cities, 15-Minute Cities
In cities and towns across the word, our communities are being transformed by the implementation of so-called “smart” technologies said to create more efficient, safe, and sustainable environments. These smart cities use a range of devices such as cameras, sensors, and artificial intelligence to attempt central management of everything from traffic and public safety to environmental monitoring. Proponents of smart cities will sing songs about their efficiency. Traffic lights adjust in real-time to traffic conditions, reducing congestion and shortening commutes. Smart waste management systems notify city services when trash bins are full, optimizing collection routes and frequencies. Public safety could be enhanced by using networked cameras and environmental sensors that can detect crimes and so forth.
Moreover, the control and ownership of this data resides predominantly in the hands of corporations. This new era of surveillance isn’t just about privacy. It’s a profound shift in the power dynamics between the state and the individual. It tips the balance overwhelmingly in favour of the observer. In a society where everyone is watched, the watched are not free. This surveillance creates a chilling effect on behaviour, stifling dissent and discouraging participation in civil society. If you think about it, it’s a strange trade-off. We’re bartering away bits of our privacy for the convenience of not having to flip a light switch or remember where we parked the car. And the lessons from history are clear. Surveillance technologies, once introduced, are rarely rolled back. They tend to expand in scope and scale, often outstripping the original intentions behind their deployment. So we need to ask: Are we building a smarter world or just a more surveilled one?
What exactly is a “Smart City” and how does it relate to a “15-minute city”? And what does any of this have to do with individual liberty and freedom of movement? You’ve likely heard the terms “Smart City”, or its more recent cousin, “15-minute city”, but do you truly understand what these concepts call for? Do you know which organizations are responsible for promoting the ideas?
Smart Cities and the Internet of Things
The term smart city typically describes an urban area which is outfitted with 5G towers (and soon, 6G) which allow the speed and bandwidth needed for autonomous vehicles, robot assistants, and sensors in the street to moderate streetlights and issue environmental warning alerts. All of this would be powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Collectively, the sensors, devices, and infrastructure are known as the so-called “Internet of Things” (IoT). To put it simply, the IoT is the network of digital devices, vehicles, appliances and other physical objects embedded with sensors that allow them to collect and share data. This real time data collection is central to smart city initiatives which claim to be stepping stones towards a digital utopia. Devices connected to the IoT range from smart phones to smart appliances to smart homes or buildings with smart thermostats. Even wearables like smartwatches, earbuds, and fitness tracking devices form part of the IoT.
A simple rule of thumb is that if your device is claimed to be “smart” or has Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capabilities it can be connected to the IoT. National Geographic describes a smart city as “a city in which a suite of sensors (typically hundreds or thousands) is deployed to collect electronic data from and about people and infrastructure so as to improve efficiency and quality of life.” It notes that residents and city workers may need to use apps to access city services, receive and issue reports of outages, accidents, and crimes, pay taxes, fees, etc. They also emphasize the potential use cases for reducing energy usage and making a city more “sustainable”. Overall, smart cities are being sold to the public as a futuristic cityscape with features like streetlights that automatically turn off when no one is around, or AI algorithms which optimize trash collection routes.
We are also being told that by combining AI with sensors and cameras everywhere, we will have autonomous, or driverless, vehicles which will lower traffic congestion.  Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future. The globalist imperialists often use the Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny – think of Canada, New Zealand and Australia during Covid. We can therefore assume that this is going to be the blueprint for the roll-out of their Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda across the world.
Exaggerated “modelling” of the imagined effects of “climate change”
Exaggerated “modelling” of the imagined effects of “climate change” is being used to define certain areas as unsuitable for human settlement. Working hand in hand with the state is the insurance industry – long a central part of the corrupt empire – which deems homes in these areas to be “uninsurable”. Banks are also playing their part (of course!) saying they are unwilling to provide mortgages for these “uninsurable” properties.
The UN’s Diabolical Agenda for World Domination 
Under the United Nations’ plan for complete global control known as Agenda 21 (which Agenda 2030 is a mere milestone of), humans who once lived on farms and in rural areas are to be forcibly relocated into densely populated “smart” cities, known as “human settlements”. Watch this except from the documentary, ‘Unsustainable: The UN’s Agenda For World Domination’. As we stand at the crossroads of technology and privacy, the choices we make today will define the legacy of our generation. It’s crucial that we strike a balance between leveraging technology for our own betterment and safeguarding the individual freedoms we hold so dear.
Written By Tatenda Belle Panashe

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