The Suspension of the War on Food

In the year of completeness, as it comes with the suspension of satanic and globalist agendas, there is a unique consequence of this suspension when looking at the war on food. The war on food has encompassed a unique intersection of multiple agendas: from the vaccines being inserted into foods in the name of preventing some virus or illness, like the bird flu, genetically modified foods killing people, infertility being caused by genetically modified food, to even food shortages being manufactured to starve off many in the pretentious guise of climate change. Therefore, the suspension of the war on food is a massive victory for the Church of Jesus Christ, and comes at great benefit to the world.
And now onto our main discussion, on the suspension of the war on food. The first thing to note is that the globalists who are behind the satanic agendas we see in the world today are certainly unrelenting. To them, it is inconceivable that half a decade later, the plans they inherited from centuries back and put years into themselves have not materialised as they had planned. And so, they devise strategies to try to accomplish those sinister plans. With respect to the war on food, globalists are aware of the hindrance posed by the second Trump administration to their plans to destroy the health of many. As a result, they are attempting to launch a measure that would enable their works before the Trump administration, and that would be to target the global beef supply with mRNA technology. Yes, the same mRNA technology that has been called a biological weapon that has killed more through COVID jab inoculations, than the virus itself.
At the end of the clip we just watched, the person you saw speaking is a Dr Mathew Liao, who you’d recall from some of our previous discussions. The unearthed video of the College of Global Public Health Center for Bioethics at New York University, showed a director Dr Matthew Liao speaking at the 2016 World Science Festival, and he openly advocated for artificially inducing a red meat allergy in the entire human population, using an analog of the algha-gal molecule found in the Lone Star Tick, APPARENTLY so as to fight “climate change.” He claims, (and I quote directly here) that “People eat too much meat. And if they were to cut down on their consumption of meat, then it would actually really help the planet.” This slippery slope-like reasoning that ties a threat to the climate with a necessary ingredient in the human diet is not accidental. Not only was it long planned (especially seeing how tests on human embryos were already underway, while Dr Liao was making his speech in 2016), but the push for bioengineered food is clearly a ramification of both the climate change hoax, AND the GMO agenda!
Let’s directly respond to this. First, In the excerpt we just watched, Dr Mathew Liao panderms to the climate change alarmist logic, which is inherently wrong because as we’ve discussed previously from the teachings of the President of Loveowlrd incorporated, this is a hoax. Dr Liao then proceeds to make the concession that geo-engineering tactics are very risky – which is the one sensible thing he says. But, he then proceeds to provide alternative solutions to the claimed climate change problem. The first is human engineering which involves the biomedical engineering of human beings to induce a meat allergy or intolerance. Secondly, Mr Liao suggests biologically editing human beings to make them smaller. Thirdly, he suggests using so-called cognitive enhancements to lower birth rates. And finally, he suggests manipulating the hormone oxytocin, by giving people excess amounts of it to make them cooperate with the climate change agenda.
There are many things wrong with the alternatives presented by Mr Liao. First, is that these measures would be taken in service of fighting climate change. If the end goal is based on fallacious logic and science, no person should have to suffer loss of biological function or even simple enjoyment for it. We’ve established a number of times that CO2 emissions are necessary for life to flourish on the earth; that weather changes are typical and have never remained stagnant, in addition, the hottest day today is not even close to periods prior, such as when Christ walked the earth. Also, there is no scientific consensus on man-made or anthropogenic causes of climate change. At best, what has been presented as evidence of climate change is highly suspicious, like the fires in Canada, California and Maui. And also Hurricane Herlene in the US. These events are more tied to arson, in the case of the fires, and climate warfare in the case of hurricane Helene.
Secondly, even on a theoretical level, the harms outweigh any perceived benefit. Plotting to trigger autoimmune disease in humans without their consent at the population level – is nearly unspeakable and frankly ridiculous, especially considering that at the same forum, Dr Mathew Liao advocated “editing” humans to become small, again for the sake of “climate change.” The fundamental change that would come with new autoimmune diseases and a population that is much smaller in comparison to the rest of the bio environment could present a number of harms that are unforeseen. And this response is not based on an abstract concern, it is rather based on literally what has been observed to happen to babies that are genetically edited through CRISPR, because they, for instance, have a shorter life span than non-genetically edited babies. Additionally, even small changes to a bio environment can have vast detrimental effects. A typical example is the introduction of the cane toad in Australia in 1935. The cane toad was a failure as a biological control method in Australia because it disrupted local ecosystems, its toxic secretion killed many local species, and it failed to control the cane beetle population – becoming a pest itself. Therefore, it is not inconsequential to trigger autoimmune diseases in people, or to alter the size of humans in a world where any change to the bio environment is consequential.
Finally, on Dr Liao’s suggestion to manipulate the hormone oxytocin, by giving people excess amounts of it, to make them cooperate with the climate change agenda – that is coercion because you manipulated people to be compliant, which means there would not be informed consent to the climate change agenda. It is no different to the CIA doping Americans under the MK-Ultra project, to make them do things they otherwise would not. And if consent is created using techniques similar to the CIA doping Americans, then that consent is false and the techniques are morally wrong. In any case, this reveals the utter lack of morality or human concern in their pursuits. In fact it seems intrinsic to advocates of the climate change hoax and the war on food to think that people and their best interests are a necessary casualty in all their plans.
But the war on food is not just about creating a pretext to genetically engineer humans. And this brings us to a discussion on the bird flu and how it relates to the war on raw milk. First of course is that so-called Covid experts, such as epidemiologist Dr Eric Feigl-Ding, are back in the media, now sounding the alarm about bird flu as the next pandemic; and they’re even scaremongering about raw milk, claiming it will contribute to the spread. If this sounds familiar it is because they used the same tactic during covid, even claiming that cash had to be abolished because it would contribute to the spread of the virus.
First, I think it is worth mentioning that Representative Thomas Massie responded to this interview by bringing forth critical information along with a refutation of Dr Eric Feigl-Ding’s remarks. Representative Thomas Massie stated in response that Dr Feigl-Ding is flat out lying and fear mongering. Including that he made up the 50% fatality number and didn’t even proceed to explain it. Dr Eric Feigl-Ding also did not even know if pasteurisation kills the bird flu virus, especially considering that people are not contracting fatal bird flu from consuming raw milk.” This is a critical response because, the result of bird flu fear mongering and government action so far to increase ‘surveillance’ across farms, along with Feigl-Ding’s attempts to dissuade people from drinking raw milk, has been disastrous for at least small-time farmers!
One of them has recently surfaced in the news describing the impact that this war on raw milk has had. Ashley Armstrong, who runs Nourish, was featured in a recent video that shows how her life and business were affected when the bird flu fear mongering gained momentum in April. She said her farm and company was mandated by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to destroy all of their raw dairy products after receiving a cease and desist order from the state.
Ashley Amstrong is right; we have to be curious about the underlying reason for this war on raw milk; and it appears that the reasons are threefold. First, raw milk proprietors tend to be small operations, like Armstrong’s Nourish, with limited political clout who giant agricultural interests see as competition they would like to wipe – much like Monsanto does with smaller farmers. Second, raw milk is actually full of beneficial bacteria that get wiped out during pasteurisation. But, of course, a government susceptible to a diabolical agenda to depopulate the world will try to stamp out what is good and healthy for people to consume by whatever means available to them – this is part of the reason farmers are being asked to destroy organic crops and use GMO seeds.
The third underlying reason for the war on raw milk speaks also to the vaccination agenda. You heard Ashley Armstrong speak about the plans of those pushing the vaccine agenda to use mRNA vaccines on cows in response to the bird flu. But, even as they try to push the vaccination agenda, more information comes out to challenge their claims of why it is a necessary response. For instance, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist Dr Mike Yeardon previously presented evidence to prove that the COVID vaccines are bioweapons used to further the depopulation agenda of the elite. Well, he has once again presented evidence to the fact that not only does the COVID virus not even exist, BUT there is no evidence to prove that viruses exist at all!
Well, it is still the Year of Completeness, and globalist agendas were suspended effective immediately from the exact moment that God’s Prophet to the Nations made the proclamation by the Spirit. Therefore, the globalists who are behind the satanic agendas we see in the world today are unrelenting because they are not aware of the far superior power and authority they are up against, in the Church of Jesus Christ. They think that the world is at the mercy of their cunning minds and diabolical plans. In fact, Pastor Chris has mentioned that they could never plan for the Church of Jesus Christ and the authority we exercise – and they continue to make the same mistake. BUT, prophecy has gone forth. Their works are under suspension.
But, we have surely prayed, and continue to pray. Therefore, in this glorious year of completeness, all satanic and globalist agendas are suspended; they will live in our world, and we will not live in theirs, as we wrap up the Church age. And so, let us keep fighting the good fight of faith, because we have truly already won.
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso