The Road to the US Elections: Voter ID and Illegal Voting

The thing that Democrats said would not happen is happening – or perhaps, I should say, is happening AGAIN! For the longest time, Democrats said Voter ID laws, which require a person to provide proof of their citizenship in order to vote, were racist – if you’re a bit confused by this claim, let me clarify: Democrats said Voter ID laws are racist because African Americans do not have ID and do not know how to obtain them. At this point, I suspect you may think that Democrats are politically condescending and ignorantly racist. But, Democrats doubled-down on this condescension and racism by making the audacious claim that people who are not citizens of the US would never vote or be allowed to vote in US elections. Well, the status quo provides a massive refutation to this claim – which is precisely what we’ll address today.
There is clearly a desperate attempt at rigging election results when political leaders digress from common sense, and legally enshrine corruption – which is exactly what senate Bill 1174, which was approved by California lawmakers, is about. This approved Senate Bill is about prohibiting voter ID requirements in local elections. And this move overrides Huntington Beach’s voter ID policy, slated for 2026. Meanwhile, in support of the bill, state senator Dave Min argues that voter ID laws suppress turnout, while Republican efforts to exclude illegal immigrants from voting fail.
But, (once again) who EXACTLY is state senator Dave Min concerned about? Who would actually get disincentivised from voting due to a law that requires them to show proof of citizenship in order to vote? Well, someone who not only does NOT have an ID document, but who also also lacks the capacity to get one because they are not a citizen – which then nullifies Dave Min’s concern, because non-citizens should not be voting in a foreign nation’s election anyway!
And as I’ve mentioned before, requiring citizens to be the only ones who vote in elections is not about mere semantics regarding where a person is born: it is about accountability and the trickle down effect of political choices. This is to say that, citizens for the most part have to live with the political choices they make at the polls. They are legally binding on them; and they often only have the next election period to change this choice and its ramifications. This means (again, for the most part) that voting is a patriotic service that is aimed at establishing the best interest of one’s nation. There is a great deal of understanding and education and patriotic sentiment that is expected of people to this effect. This is also why an understanding of a nation’s history, culture and political climate is among what people are required to know when applying for citizenship in a foreign nation.
These considerations even underline why dual citizenship is often so contested. People argue that it is unpatriotic to view one’s citizenship to their nation of birth as a passive obligation that they can forfeit or deprioritise when the political climate gets difficult, and then simply move on to another country. I also recently discussed my concern with people leaving California for more conservative states in the South, and because who then stays to fight to ensure that California is not given to Democrats to perpetually destroy it, when people leave. I made the same argument on why (although agreeable) the invitation from Putin for people to come to Russia should they want to escape the woke agenda in their respective nations is also a concerning one, in that it dilutes patriotic obligation to one’s country. This is not to undermine the seriousness of the reasons people are leaving, but who stays to fight to ensure that the likes of Gavin Newsom do not stay in power and continue to wreak havoc on the state?
But, as far as Senate Bill 1174 is concerned, you just know that California state senators did not press for this law because of a genuine political concern, and rather for corruption because all that liberals can use to attempt to justify the law is condescending racism against African Americans, in fact let’s kindly revisit the response that African Americans gave when they were asked if it is racist for them to be required to show an ID in order to vote.
So, it is safe to say that African Americans are daily intelligent people who at the very least know what an ID is, know how to get one, and even possess it for the most part. But, even with this clarified, it must not be lost on us that how utterly condescending and racist this attitude is. It’s really has become disrespectful how Democrats infantise African Americans and try to distract them from critical issues and political discourse when it comes to the election period. MEANWHILE, in this election period Donald Trump is holding roundtable discussions with African American community leaders and business owners before rallies in places like Detroit and Atlanta to hear what policies can be proffered for their advancements. He has prioritised treating African Americans as key and knowledgeable stakeholders in the implementation of requisite developments. And here’s just an excerpt from the roundtable with African American Businesses owners in Atlanta in August.
But to push the envelope, I would argue that Democrats oppose voter ID laws because of corruption. The evidence of this is that Democrats actually show an empirical understanding of the usefulness of IDs and people being required to show proof of who the claim to be, because when it does not pertain to elections, Democrats have no problem seeing the necessity of requiring a person to prove they are who they say they are. In fact, you’d recall that despite their argument that requiring IDs is racist, they asked for IDs to enter the DNC. So either, they lied about ID laws being racist, or they are racist by their standards for asking for IDs at the DNC in Chicago; there really is no two ways about it.
But beyond corruption, there is actually a far more sinister agenda behind why Democrats oppose voter ID laws, which is that they are trying to import a new voter base. As we established in the beginning of our discussion, the objective fact is that Kamala Harris is not a popular or votable candidate. In fact, even CNN is struggling to make her look good, which says a lot because they have lost any remaining credibility in their pursuit to make her look decent, while reporting poorly about Trump.
But, it is no mystery why even CNN is struggling to make Kamala Harris look good, or reconcile the points that were just outlined with her desire for a promotion to the office of the president. Simply, Kamala Harris’ campaign is the embodiment of irony. She is campaigning on the admission of the poor state of living in the US and the need to change it; and yet she has been in the White House for 3 and half years. This is important to note, because it follows that the only way that Democrats can elect Kamala Harris to office is if they corrupt and manipulate the election process. And they have already done this. For instance, Kamala Harris did not receive votes in the primaries for her to be the presumptive nominee; instead they staged a coup against Joe Biden.
There, it follows that they would resume to do the same. And what they have been capitalising on in the present is the importation of voters through their relaxed and downright irresponsible immigration policies. In fact, you’d recall that Senator Elizabeth Warren has come out to say that Kamala Harris ‘will work with Congress’ to provide a ‘pathway to citizenship’ for tens of millions of illegal migrants! Warren called this a pathway to citizenship, in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on State of the Union.
But, for some time it seemed as a conspiracy theory to say this; to say that the Democrats were engaged in the great replacement agenda and that part of this agenda was importing voters, through grantilling illegal immigrants citizenship. And, of course, migrants who received this pipeline into the US would have an incentive at keeping the people who provided it in power by voting for them. However, Elizabeth Warren is actually not the only person who revealed this to be factually accurate.
But, despite the political condescension, African Americans are not biting. And a key reason is that they have observed the war on narratives that has been lanched against Trump. In another roundtable led by Byron Donald, i which Trump called in – which by the way is separate to another that Byron Donald led where Trump attended i person in Detroit – but at this one in Atlanta, African American business leaders discussed dismantling the left’s lies, phoney narratives, and propaganda against President Trump during barbershop roundtable in Atlanta – they critically assess the Democrat’s observable trajectory in reserving to criticise all a number of Republican leaders as being racist and stupid, without a critical evaluation of their policies and the solutions they proffer.
However, election corruption from the democrats is not exclusive to voter ID laws! Evidence from the state of Georgia shows there was a great deal of corruption in how votes were counted. This is an issue that must be watched in the upcoming elections, especially with the suspiciously timed announcement of the MPOX “global health emergency”, that they likely want to use to introduce questionable voting protocols that would enable them to manipulate the vote count.
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso