The Monsanto Papers: Exposing A Scandalous Scientific Cover-Up

So, as far as diabolical corporations or conglomerates behind the war on food are concerned, Monsanto has not only been a villainous actor as a chemical company, but also in relation to food with its notorious Roundup weed killer that has been shown to be carcinogenic and harmful to people. And so, the question then emerges: how did Monsanto create and propagate such a harmful substance to begin with?
So, as part of the discovery process during the litigation that preceded a settlement, Monsanto had to turn over millions of pages of its internal records. This became part of what was known as the Monsanto Papers. The Monsanto Papers were combined with court records, including documents regarding the company’s ghostwriting of an important paper published in the year 2000, and how the company used so-called  “independent” scientific literature to promote and defend its herbicides.
Furthermore, the Monsanto Papers reveal Monsanto-sponsored ghostwriting of articles published in toxicology journals and the lay media, interference in the peer review process, behind-the-scenes influence on retraction and the creation of a so-called academic website as a front for the defense of Monsanto products. The use of third-party academics in the corporate defense of glyphosate subsequently revealed that this practice extends beyond the corruption of medicine and persists in spite of efforts to enforce transparency in industry manipulation.
There goes the answer to the question on how Monsanto created and propagated the harmful substance it presented as a weed killer. The answer lies in the Monsanto Papers, which tell an alarming story of ghostwriting, scientific manipulation, collusion with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and previously undisclosed information about how the human body absorbs glyphosate. Not only this, but these documents, which Monsanto does not want you to see, provide a deeper understanding of the serious public health consequences surrounding Monsanto’s conduct in marketing Roundup. No wonder it is such a notable diabolical corporation in the war on food.

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