The Inevitable Demise of the World Economic Forum

Let’s begin by revisiting the Words of the Master Jesus’ in Mathew 21:44. He said “And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” This verse makes clear the fate of those who establish themselves as adversaries of Christ and His Body, the Church. And an entity that has certainly found this out is the World Economic Forum, the globalist establishment led by Klaus Scwab, and part of what we now know as a trinity of evil, alongside the UN and the WHO. Today, it is important to emphasise this inevitable demise of the WEF both as a cautionary tale for those who still choose to associate with it, but also to emphasise how plain this demise has become to all, as the WEF’s annual January gathering in Davos takes place.
And now onto our discussion on the inevitable demise of the WEF, and we ought to begin with some context, in particular how the WEF has served (and even championed) satanic and globalist agendas. And of course, we ought to begin with the ever notorious “Great Reset”. In the WEF’s vision, people will be stripped of the right for private ownership, and any socio-political agency. You would have heard the mantra from Klaus Schwab saying “people will own nothing and be happy”. In addition, according to the great reset “the government voice would be one among many, without always being the final arbiter.” Governments would be just one stakeholder in a multi-stakeholder model of global governance. A Harris Gleckman, who is a senior fellow at the University of Massachusetts, described the WEF’s great reset agenda as “the most comprehensive proposal for re-designing global governance since the formulation of the United Nations during World War II.”
And while Klaus Schwab simplified the essence of the Great Reset, with his notorious mantra, it is actually very ambitious in what it tries to accomplish for the purpose of robbing people of personal ownership and socio-political rights and agency. For instance, the great reset was the driving idea behind the 2024 controversy of what was called “Issue 1” in Ohio, in the US. In essence, Issue 1 was about what is called gerrymandering in the US, and it is really a process of manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency, typically so that it favours one party. And in this case, calls to pass Issue 1 was about redistricting the electoral constituency, and therefore an attempted power grab by the Democrats. They knew that they cannot win at the ballot box because Ohio has rejected their morally decadent and ineffective leadership, and because they couldn’t win at the ballot box, they want to control how district lines are drawn.
Where the great reset agenda featured was exposed when people followed the money. In essence, $26 million has been raised by Democrats, 85% of which comes FROM OUT-OF-STATE, including $6 million from a Swiss billionaire towards Issue 1! This is what Schwab advocated for: a loss of socio-political agency of the people, while conglomerates with money finance the disenfranchisement of citizens! [PAUSE] This might as well be counted as among the reasons why Vivek Ramaswamy has opted to run for Governor of Ohio.
But it does not stop there with the WEF’s role in satanic and globalist agendas.
Something I alluded to is their model of multi-stakeholderism, that prioritises non-governmental actors of nation states in decision making. And when looking at the annual meetings in Davos, the WEF is the epitome of an international organisation based on public-private cooperation. So you might ask: who are these other, non-governmental stakeholders? Unsurprisingly, it is all the big-corporations and industries that have been culpable in also driving or executing globalist agendas. The WEF partners include companies in big-oil (like Shell, Chevron, and BP), companies in big-food (such as Unilever, The Coca-Cola Company, and Nestlé), and big-tech (looking at Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple) and (of course) pharmakeia (or big-pharma) (including AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Moderna).
What is notable about the involvement of this corporations is that Instead of them serving many stakeholders, in the multi-stakeholder model of global governance, the global reset entails that these corporations are promoted to being official stakeholders in global decision-making, while governments are relegated to a lesser role, and civil society is mainly window dressing.
Remember the evil trinity we mentioned earlier? Well, perhaps the most symbolic example of this shift is the controversial strategic partnership agreement that the United Nations (UN) signed with the WEF in 2019. This was described as a move to turn the UN into a public-private partnership, creating a place for corporations inside the UN – much like the place they have in the WEF. Now why this is detrimental is that multi-stakeholderism is the WEF’s effort at replacing multilateralism, which is the current system through which countries work together to achieve common goals; and it is the system that was supposed to be championed by the UN, although the status quo shows us that today’s UN is far from what it was intended for. But, the reason, fundamentally lies with its partnership with AND embracing of the WEF’s vision. Well, this certainly lends more credence to what Argentine President Javier Millei (who is a staunch opponent of the WEF) said in criticism of the UN.
Now, there’s more they’ve been engaged in, including the war on free speech, the vaccine holocaust, and even the manipulation of fiscal and monetary policies through attempts to introduce CBDC. However, their influence has been on a steady and notable decline. And let’s discuss what led to this demise.
And first, we ought to start with divine proclamations and prophecy. At the beginning of our discussion, we revisited Mathew 21:44, where the Master Jesus made plain what the fate of his adversaries and the Church of Jesus Christ is; when he said “And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.” This captures the essence of what has led to and driven the demise of the WEF. But, in addition to this, and in our time, God has also spoken concerning the demise of the WEF through His prophet to the nations, the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD. First, in 2022, prophecy went forth that the WEF was the face of the deep state, and that it was in need of competitors.
But, as they recently gathered this January, with their last session set for the 24th, well the Church of Jesus Christ is praying and fasting and prophecy has gone forth once again announcing their immediate end. The WEF (much like demons and the devil) operate legally, but with authority and power that did not belong to them. But, that power they were wielding is now gone from them.
The second reason for the demise of the WEF is that there is a protruding trend of resistance to the war on inalienable rights like free speech, and even private property ownership. More specifically, we have seen the demonstration of a higher value for these rights. Today, in the so-called bastions of democracy that have become leaders of censorship, we see countless protests and processes of formal legal recourse that are aimed against the weaponisation of institutions of the law and justice against those who oppose the government and dare to speak freely.
An example of those who have been using formal legal recourse and protest to challenge the censorship industrial complex, has been the case of Alison Pearson in the UK and Murthy v Missouri case in the US, both of which we’ve discussed here on ‘The War Room’. What these cases (and the many others like them) represent is that the pendulum has swung: people have come to realise the threat of a world without absolute free speech, and, therefore, there is a greater demand for an end to censorship. In fact, this has been a recurring theme in the UK and Europe at large.
But in addition to this, people also got to understand what the impact of a lack of private property ownership looks like – beyond our objections to socialism. When governments were spending exorbitant amounts financing the proxy war between NATO and Russia in Ukraine, people saw that they cannot rely on governments to be arbiters on how to spend their wealth, no less unelected bureaucrats like Klaus Schwab with his “you will own nothing and be happy” mantra. And this rejection of the great reset and greater value for private property ownership also formed the basis for the rejection and demise of the WEF.
Finally, there has been a outburst of an inherent value of nation states and their sovereignty – which has led to a clash between nation states and the WEF multi-stakeholderism that is in service of abolishing nation states for a oe world government tha tis driven by private corporations, like we’ve just discussed. Ironically, this clash is a result of their failed efforts to undermine sovereignty. While globalists manufactures the great reset, people saw the value of sovereign nations with borders and controlled immigration policies. While Klaus Schwab spoke of a future without elections, 2024 not only was the biggest election year, but provoked a move of electoral constituents who rallied behind conservative voices in all continents of the world – in particular conservative voices like Trump who champion placing the duty to one’s country as a leader. So, much so, we are seeing movements like MEGA, and leaders across the world who are appropriating the same Make Your Country Great Again philosophy, from Poland to Hungary and more.
We also discussed this wave of patriotism in relation to the US extricating itself from the WHO. President Trump’s decision to withdraw is a bold move that reaffirms America’s commitment to American independence and sovereignty. For too long, Americans have seen their resources funneled into an organisation that is more focused on globalist agendas than it ever was on genuine health matters. Therefore, this withdrawal is NOT just about cutting ties with a bureaucratic entity; it’s about redirecting America’s focus and funds towards strengthening its own national health infrastructure. And ensuring that American citizens are prioritised in its policies is now at the forefront. Furthermore, this is a clear message that America is reclaiming control from international bodies that have diametrically opposed agendas (especially when we consider its exit from the Paris Agreement as well). Really, this action champions the principle that America’s future should be decided by Americans, free from the influence of globalist bodies that do not have their best interests at heart. In fact, even as president Trump was outlining the reasons, they encapsulate the commitment of placing America first, and an exit from globalist institutions.
In essence, the WEF is experiencing the same fate. Which brings me to our final focus today, which is a message for the leaders of nations who attended the WEF’s gathering. This hour is a crucial time to remember where your mandate comes from, which is the people you govern. This makes it illegal and morally unjust to associate with an organisation that tries to undermine your sovereignty, and subsequently the power that people have given you through their vote. There is a categorical imperative not to go against the tides of godly, patriotic and just leadership. Frankly those who’ve dared are experiencing the ramifications of that decision. A notable example is now former Canadian PM Justin Trudeau. Klaus Swchwab bragged about penetrating the cabinets of nations, and mentioned Justin Trudeau by name, as one of his associates. Well, Trudeau served the WEF’s agenda, destroying his nation, but his exit from power was so predictable, dishonourable and rapid that it did not even raise much concern – in fact, it was seen as necessary. And so, if the WEF itself and their associates are losing any prestige and power, it is wise to understand why and take heed to prophecy.
In fact, there is much to learn from King Solomon regarding godly leadership. He understood that it takes God’’s wisdom and a love for the people you serve to do it well. In 2 Chronicles 1:10, he said to God, “Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this Thy people, that is so great?”. This is how president trump won so undeniably: reverence and love for God, which translates to love for the people and country he sought to serve.
But, we have surely prayed, and continue to pray. Therefore, in this glorious Year of Completeness, all satanic and globalist agendas are suspended; they will live in our world, and we will not live in theirs, as we wrap up the Church age. And so, let us keep fighting the good fight of faith, because we have truly already won.