The History of Diabolical Corporations

Today’s discussion will focus on establishing some broad context. First we will address why corporations (as opposed to governments or political figures) are central to this discussion? Well, it is primarily because they are actually the drivers and (at times) authors of the satanic and globalist agendas. Governments tend to be a corrupted tool that is used by these corporations, as oppose to the originators of evil schemes. This does not make the culpability of governments any less abhorrent, however, it does provide a better understanding on how these satanic and globalist agendas penn out.
The second point of context will then focus on establishing how these corporation have also eroded the freedom of choice, even affecting democracy. And in essence, life is about choice: what we eat, what we read, who we elect – every day we make choices that determine how we want to live. But what if these choices are just an illusion?
In an era where regulations and red tape rule every industry, where lobby groups and big business wield influence, people’s daily choices have become increasingly limited. And when looking at key areas such as food, medicine, finance, and media, you would notice precisely how much people’s freedom of choice has been infringed on, by people whose gain is set up to be at the expense of the inalienable freedoms of others.
This is the first part in understanding how diabolical corporations work. This broad context is crucial to establish as well, because it helps us engage the fact that these corporation do not function in one industry, RATHER, they operative in different capacities, hence their agendas are not linear in focus: hence, we;ve seen the war on food, the war on health, the war on free speech, and the war on the currencies of nation, to name only a few. From here on, we will look at these big corporations in greater deal and unique to the industries they function in.

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