The COVID Plandemic Hoax: 5 Years Later

Scandalous incompetence, astounding errors, and diabolical schemes. This is how many analysts explain how leading public health experts could prescribe so many terrible pandemic response policies. And it’s true: the so-called experts certainly have exposed their evil intents and also made themselves look foolish over the last years: Public health leaders like Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci make false claims, or contradict themselves repeatedly, on subjects related to the pandemic response, while leading scientists, like Peter Hotez in the US and Christian Drosten in Germany, are equally susceptible to such flip-flops and lies.
There were even internationally renowned medical researchers, like Eric Topol, who repeatedly committed obvious errors in interpreting Covid-related research studies. Well, in this month of March, it is not 5 years later from when the COVID hoax was launched, and we ought to address what has significantly changed.
Now, all of these aforementioned figures and officials, like Rochelle Walensky and Anthony Fauci, publicly and aggressively promoted anti-public health policies, including universal masking, social distancing, mass testing and quarantining of healthy people, lockdowns and vaccine mandates. It seems like an open-and-shut case: Dumb policies, dumb people in charge of those policies. Well… this might be true in a few individual cases of public health or medical leaders who really are incapable of understanding even school level science. However, if we look at leading pandemic public health and medical experts as a group – a group consisting of the most powerful, widely published, and well-paid researchers and scientists in the world – that simple explanation sounds much less convincing.
Even if you believe that most medical researchers are shills for pharmaceutical companies and that scientists rarely break new ground anymore, I think you’d be hard-pressed to claim that they lack basic analytical skills or a solid educational background in the areas they’ve studied. Most doctors and scientists with advanced degrees know how to analyse simple scientific documents and understand basic data. Additionally, those doctors and public health professionals who were deemed experts during the pandemic also knew enough to have climbed the academic, scientific, and/or government ladders to the highest levels. Therefore, while some might be willing to think that those actors were merely people who made a couple of  bad moral or ethical decisions, it – HOWEVER – defies logic to say that every single one of them understands simple scientific data LESS than someone without even a primary understanding of scientific principles. In fact, that would have to be a superficial judgement that does not get to the root cause of their corrupt and incompetent behaviour.
And so now that we have established that mere misinformation is not what motivated the likes of Anthony Fauci, let’s look at what their side actually stood for in this war – in particular, how public health experts were messengers for the biodefense response.
One of the most crucial facts to know and remember when looking at the covid 19 hoax is this: the so-called public health experts were not responsible for pandemic response policy in many countries. For instance, in the US, the military-intelligence-biodefense leadership was in charge. In fact, government documents have shown how standard tenets of public health pandemic management were abruptly and secretly thrown out during the covid plandemic. The most startling switch was the replacement of the public health agencies by the National Security Council and Department of Homeland Security at the helm of pandemic policy and planning. As part of the secret switch, all communications – defined in every previous pandemic planning document as the responsibility of the CDC – were taken over by the National Security Council under the auspices of the White House Task Force. The CDC was not even allowed to hold its own press conferences!
And so, when the so-called public health and medical experts blanketed the airwaves and Internet with “recommendations” urging universal masking, mass testing and quarantining of asymptomatic people, vaccine mandates, and other anti-public health policies – or when they promoted obviously flawed studies that supported the quarantine-until-vaccine biodefense agenda – they were not doing so because they were dumb, incompetent, or misguided. They were performing the role that the leaders of the national security/biodefense response gave them: to be the trusted public face that made people believe quarantine-until-vaccine was a legitimate public health response. Unacceptable! And as further evidence have a listen at what this whistleblower on Covid vaccines endured.
Hen, the COVID regime further imposed a caste system on society. In using the US as a case study, we would note first that the US Department of Defence’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (also known as CISA) divided the workforce into “essential” and “nonessential” categories that allowed the world’s most powerful corporations to continue their operations while small businesses and churches were subject to lockdowns. Second, the architects of lockdowns based their enforcement on whether groups held proper political beliefs. In light of this, socially political movements like Black Lives Matter earned an exemption from their totalitarianism. Third, governors, bureaucrats, and mayors flouted their own regulations and enjoyed the freedoms that they denied to their fellow citizens. It was more than hypocrisy; it was despotism and callous cruelty. Suddenly, American citizens were subject to a political regime that suppressed their longest-standing liberties if they failed to comply with the latest ideological trends. Their children, their businesses, and their freedoms suffered as ostensible public servants advanced political agendas.
But, much is exposed about the logic of who was exempted from the dictates of governors and mayors at the time – especially when we look at the BLM protests that took place. For instance, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was one of the country’s most ardent enforcers of lockdowns. Her citizens lost their basic rights to petition the government, travel, and assemble. In April 2020, she called protests against her stay-at-home order “racist and misogynistic.” She threatened that the demonstrations would make it “likelier” that the lockdowns would continue.
BUT… Whitmer’s tune changed when “anti-racism” protestors and rioters arrived in Detroit in June. She greeted them with enthusiasm, marching side-by-side with the group. Whitmer brazenly violated her executive orders, which required “social distancing measures…including remaining at least six feet from people.” She was clear that politics drove her decision to march arm-in-arm with her voting bloc.
Whitmer further combined dictatorial arrogance with cognitive dissonance. At the time of her BLM political rally, she threatened political opponents with 90 days in jail if they violated her stay-at-home order. Thousands gathered in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and the State Capitol for BLM rallies, but Whitmer refrained from punishing the lawbreakers. As political allies of the administration, they were not subject to the edicts that applied to the broader citizenry.
Well, Illinois took a similar approach. When asked about the ramifications for violating stay-at-home orders, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot told reporters that they will arrest those who did not abide by those orders. And Illinois’s lockdown enforcement continued into the summer. In late May, Chicago Police issued warnings that they would arrest and fine anyone who biked on outdoor trails, even if riding alone. When a local group of Republicans planned an outdoor Fourth of July picnic, Pritzker went to court to enforce lockdowns. But none of these standards applied to Black Lives Matter.
Now, during this some scientists rallied around models from the most powerful and well-funded scientific groups at the start of the plandemic, even if their models were clearly wrong. When some scientists like John Ioannidis spoke up about the shortcomings of models that were guiding policy, the politically siloed scientists reacted with social power that could crush careers in scientific institutions. The informal social control of scientists suppressed diverse views and resulted in science not shared.
In addition, So some – not all – scientists became very vocal in advocating for lockdowns despite the policy being inhumane and a clear violation of civil liberties, such as when fellow scientists Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Sunetra Gupta wrote the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) arguing that lockdowns were likely to cause harm and that all-cause mortality and morbidity could be reduced by focusing protection and helping those with high risk of severe outcomes receive the best preventative support and treatment.
There were just two problems with the Great Barrington Declaration: it was supposedly aligned with a group whose political preferences are anathema to many liberal scientists and it conflicted with the policies preferred by major science funders. A difference of political opinion also grounded in science and reason shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but for some reason it was. Major science funders, most of all the head of NIAID Dr. Anthony Fauci and the head of NIH Francis Collins, strongly believed that a better policy was to contain the virus – not mitigate its impacts – and hold off infections until vaccines arrived. The cost-benefit analysis of Fauci et al differed from the GBD in that it prioritised only COVID mortality; and thus costs were ignored and benefits assumed. As this unfolded, God sent his prophet to warn the nations concerning the covid debacle. He not only exposed that it was a hoax, and that the virus was not lethal; but he even exposed that the hoax was geared towards a vaccine holocaust.
Then there were also the mask mandates. There were numerous studies that attempted to prove the efficacy of masks on an individual or communal level but failed to adequately provide evidence to support this claim. And yet, masks were mandated to such a drastic extent that people were being arrested for not wearing one. So, why the mask mandates? Well, years ago now, the president of Loveworld Inc. once again made it plain for everyone. Masks were a sign of obedience to the propagators of the covid debacle. In a world where many people were questioning their announcements and authority, wearing a mask provided them with knowledge on where you stood with respect to their agenda. And so, mask mandates were simply about institutionalising this sign of obedience.

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