The Advantage of Prophetic Leadership: Celebrating God’s Battle Axe and Great Weapon of War

From as far back as the Old Testament prophets we have gotten to observe the pivotal and powerful role of a prophet appointed by God. Prophets have served as God’s representative or ambassador by communicating God’s word to his people – delivering the message God himself gave them for the present. This Word would serve as a warning, a correction, and even a propeller to higher heights. But, this ministry did not end with the prophets of old, even in the Church age, we are beneficiaries of this divine office. And as a result of this, we are constantly aligned with God’s divine plans and purposes for the nations through prophecy. Well, we ought to talk about this in light of the developments in our world, and how the prophetic declarations and warnings from the only Man who was bold to expose the works of darkness at the inception of the COVID hoax, have been a unique, comparative and unparalleled advantage to the Church of Jesus Christ.
We live in a world where, for some, truth is regarded as a subjective construct, which has resulted in them being deceived and diverted away from a solid foundation on which to stand. The status quo also reveals a world filled with deception, where no one can afford to give an unqualified presumption of credibility to any entity that claims to provide truth. The mainstream media has also been bought: feeding people a steady diet of lies from morning to evening; and also broadcasting stories that are aimed at conjuring fear and blind obedience. Journalism is also dead! Many reporters have given up credibility and investigative responsibilities for financial incentives; while some have always been indoctrinated against reporting the truth.
But, for many, this status quo deepened a strong desire to know truth from deception or subjective constructs, and we discovered that the only Truth there is is the Word of God. And this highlighted the significance and advantage of the Prophetic office. Because not only does God speak to His people to guide them daily, but He also gave us prophets who would communicate His broader and global agendas and focuses, that would bring us into His vision as workers together with Him in a scale and scope that many of us never imagined. But, this is what the advantage of prophetic leadership has represented in our world. And so, in gratitude, truly, let’s talk about this advantage with respect to the developments in our world.
And we ought to begin with the COVID hoax. At the inception of COVID, it was not clear to many the principalities at play behind the agenda. For the longest time it seemed acceptable to take note of what was being communicated through the mainstream media and official government channels. But then, God spoke, and He spoke through His prophet to the nations, the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD. He made it clear that COVID was a debacle, and for the longest time, was the only voice that was fearless and relentless in leading the Church to resist the works of the globalists at the time.
But, you cannot know these things, especially as early as the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome communicated them to us – except it is by the Spirit of God. And this is crucial to appreciate because not only did he expose the Covid agenda as a debacle, but long before the vaccine and vaccine mandates were out, he told the world that the vaccine was already developed, and that they would one day emerge to so it was a stroke of luck that they put it together so swiftly. He also told us that they would begin by claiming that the vaccine was voluntarily taken, before they make it mandatory for all through public and private means, such as state sanctioned mandates, and businesses conditionalising employment on a vaccination status. They said he was lying, in fact, they even tried to censor him at the time, calling him a conspiracy theorist. However, he was right all along – exposing the UN’s involvement, and their misguided profit incentives in all of this!
But, it did not stop with the hoax of the mandates themselves! The highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris was at the fore of exposing the mRNA COVID Jab for the bio-weapon of mass destruction that it is – saving many from life threatening choices. For some context, during Day 3 of the Your Loveworld Specials Season 10 Phase 1 in October this year, we had the opportunity to watch an insightful documentary titled Climate Terrorism: An Evil Agenda; and it exposes the sinister plot of climatological warfare. One of the critical nuances that the highly esteemed President of Loveworld Incorporated provided concerned the use of self replicating nano technology in climate terrorism, which you’d also know as climate or geo engineering. Well, let’s look at this technology further.
Now, Scientists developed self-replicating nanorobots made from DNA, and have potential applications in targeted cancer treatment and environmental cleanup. These nanorobots are microscopic, with 1,000 of them able to fit into the width of a sheet of paper. They can perform precise tasks and handle nanomaterials, making them ideal for manufacturing platforms. The nanorobots are created by manipulating different parts of DNA strands and aligning them to be “welded” together. This breakthrough allows limitless self-replication in three dimensions, surpassing previous two-dimensional limitations. Once again, and crucial to note, is that the potential applications of these nanorobots are vast, including targeted drug delivery and environmental cleanup.
Well, as the people behind these nanorobots have alluded to (as far as drug delivery is concerned) they first became notorious when their presence was detected in COVID mRNA jabs! The President of Loveworld Incorporated warned a long time ago that the COVID jabs were not vaccines at all. But when people would expose the presence of nanobots in the injections, they were labelled conspiracy theorists and misinformation propagators who should be censored.
Of course; the same people behind the invention and sensationalisation of nanobots are also transhumanists. Therefore, it did not matter to them that a self-replicating nanobot would consume the biomass of the host – in fact; it was intended to serve that malthusian purpose of destroying human life. But, despite the false marketing of the use of nanobots as some panacea to slow ageing or cure diseases, we ought to look at what the actual application or utility of nanotechnology has looked like.
So, what have been the ramifications of this? Well, for one, we now know that COVID-19 injections are NOT biological, and are rather synthetic nano circuits that communicate with 5G! Now, a Dr Astrid Stuckelberger exposed that Pfizer Covid vial contents “contains graphene oxide, parasites, RFID, metals, and nano-circuitry. And DARPA and Bill Gates developed these non-biological synthetic injections to control the minds and bodies of the population.” She further exposes that “Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting talking to the U.S. Military about CRISPR gene editing technology said they can engineer a “unique thing” to kill only one person in the world. In this case, they used this ‘mRNA’ technology to kill millions of innocent people in the world.” This happens because the self-replicating nanobots can be coded to control the mind and body.
When Dr Astrid Stuckelberger emphasised how nanobots can be coded to control the mind and body, I thought: no wonder a number of people who took the jabs are said to have loss of certain cognitive functions! So, now, we know that nanobots in the covid jabs can be coded to control the mind. However, it does not stop there. Dr Michael Nehls actually described how the COVID injections affect a recipient’s hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that’s involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning. BUT, best of all, is that before all of these discussions, the President of Loveworld Inc., had long made it clear that contrary to what they said about mRNA jabs, they actually do not remain localised at the injection site, and had the capacity to travel throughout the body.
Beyond the vaccines, was also the exposure of masks. The people who presented so-called “scientific studies” to prove the efficacy of masks were trying to do so even in the absence of sufficient data to prove their claims. As far as the debate on mask efficacy was concerned, it is not a debate at all – because masks were never effective, and recent studies have proven that they are not effective even on an individual level. Furthermore, studies have even shown that community masking does not serve to reduce the healthcare burden of diseases associated with respiratory illnesses, which was the justification for mandating face masks during the pandemic. And, by the way, people like Fauci know this. In fact, they have been saying this all along, until it became convenient for their agenda to change their tune.
So, why the mask mandates. We have just discussed that studies that allege to prove the efficacy of masks on an individual or communal level failed to adequately provide evidence to support this claim. So, once again, why the mask mandates. Well, years ago now, the president of Loveworld Inc. made it plaine for everyone. Masks were a sign of obedience to the propagators of the covid debacle. In a world where many people were questioning their announcements and authority, wearing a mask provided them with knowledge on where you stood with respect to their agenda. And so, mask mandates were simply about institutionalising this sign of obedience.
Of course, you would have also noted a number of discussions here on LN24 International refuting this hoax, capitalising on the teachings of the president of Loveworld Incorporated, the highly esteemed Rev. Dr. Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD., who revealed, not only that climate change is a hoax, but that it was conveniently being pushed as popular subject matter more after 2020, in effort to promote it as another conduit for justifying infringements and violations of human rights, and even ushering in climate lockdowns and smart cities – based on the idea that it is better for the environment if humans stay perpetual indoors and make very limited movements and travels. In fact, Remember when CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester, in a secret Project Veritas recording from April 2021, divulged that as soon as the public are no longer scared of “Covid”, “climate change” will take centre stage as the new imaginary boogeyman to terrify everyone into submission with?
Here’s the strategic advantage of his teachings: as geoengineering proposals 9in particular) were first developed, they relied on technologies developed during World War II, and such proposals were designed to alter weather systems in order to obtain more favourable climate conditions on a regional scale. One of the earliest techniques is cloud seeding, a weather-modification process that attempts to bring rain to parched farmland by dispersing particles of silver iodide or solid carbon dioxide into rain-bearing clouds. Cloud seeding has even been used in attempts to weaken tropical storms.
Now, what legacy media claims is that by the 21st century, however, cloud seeding as a true form of geoengineering, as well as weather modification in general, had become a matter of debate, since the scale upon which cloud seeding operates is small (and not at the planetary scale) and that it does not seek to reverse the effects of human-driven climate change. In addition, legacy media states that even other means of engineering the climate and weather; such as the US military’s suggestion that nuclear weapons be used as tools to alter regional climates and make certain areas of the world somehow more favourable for human habitation, have not been tested. BUT, there is actually a massive cover-up of GLOBAL climate engineering implementations, and this was made apparent to us by the president of Loveworld Incorporated.
Tied to the climate change hoax has been the agenda to create food shortages. More specifically, the Green Revolution hasn’t been a cost-free, magic bullet. In fact, Green Revolution practices have caused serious environmental harm. Aquifers are being depleted as irrigation water is pumped from the ground faster than rain recharges it. Unimaginable amounts of fertile soil have been washed or blown away. Fertilisers and pesticides pollute soil, air, and water beyond the agricultural lands themselves, including rivers and oceans. Consequently, the natural resources needed to produce food have been degraded, portending eventual, widespread crop failure and food shortages. There was also the devastation introduced by the genetically modified crops of big food corporations like Monsanto.
True to its role in the hindrance to food freedom, biotechnology company Monsanto has also always been determined to foist its GM wheat on an unwilling market. Some think this could cause an environmental disaster and severely damage the US economy. However, Monsanto spent tens of millions of dollars developing their ‘Roundup Ready’ GM wheat. But for farmers in North America, the introduction of this wheat spelt ruin. Their crops were reeling from contamination by other GM products; especially as Monsanto was already being sued for the loss of $14 million of organic canola. This is an excerpt from a documentary that captured this development.
And economic and social damage has also been done. Green Revolution inputs were too costly for small farmers. Therefore, they couldn’t compete against larger, well-capitalised, or debt-leveraged growers, whose higher yields glutted markets and depressed prices. Hence, smaller farmers lost their livelihoods and land. Rural communities have emptied, both in the United States and abroad. Many displaced farmers have killed themselves like we saw in Europe. Others moved to cities or emigrated, as have rural Mexicans to the United States. But, big food corporations are also trying to suffocate farmers still in operation.
There is so much more to speak about that we have learnt at the feet of God’s Prophet to the nations, the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD. Pastor Chris has been a source of the unfiltered Word of God, that has armed us with divine truths through which we speak and report of the divine developments in our world. He completely shattered the misconception that truth is subjective or could ever come from outside the Word of God. Not only that, but with each and everyone of us here at LN24 International, Pastor Chris privileged us with the responsibility to be workers together with him, in taking God’s Truth to the nations, by being amplifiers of his message – we are effectively his extension!
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso