Soul Winners’ Congress 2024 with Pastor Chris

It’s yet another time for the global conglomeration of ardent soul winners in the Loveworld nation, united on one front to be fortified for greater exploits with the Gospel. It’s the power-packed Soul Winners’ Congress with the man of God Reverend Chris Oyakhilome DSc., DSc., DD. Slated for Thursday 25th April to Saturday 27th April.
This distinctive conference aims to equip the anticipated delegates—Pastors, Cell Group leaders, and eager participants alike with fervent inspiration to escalate their mission to spread the Message to every corner of the globe.Beyond mere training and enlightenment, it will be a time of divine impartation, infusing attendees with enhanced grace for effective evangelism and discipleship worldwide.
The remarkable soul winning exploits culled from the 2023 edition of the Soul Winners’ Congress led to palpable expansion of the body of Christ; an exponential growth leading to the springing up of new churches, cells and fellowships across the globe. The profound exhortations by the LoveWorld President and other esteemed ministers ignited a fervor within delegates, propelling them with renewed vigor, passion, and zeal for the Gospel’s propagation.
This monumental program, perfectly situated in the Year of Redemption, is meticulously crafted to fulfill the mandate of liberating individuals and nations from the clutches of darkness into the radiant Kingdom of God, as announced by Pastor Chris during the New Year’s Eve service. Thus, the saints are set to be imparted with divine wisdom and increased capacity to uphold the God-given purpose of the year and bring to pass, His ultimate will in the earth.
The heartfelt praise, earnest prayer sessions, plenary sessions, profound exhortations and acute workshops will clothe the conference with outstanding insight and life-changing moments. It’ll be a time to savour for all attendees both online and onsite alike. It’s an occasion not to be missed, whether attending physically or virtually.
Registration is mandatory for all participants. Reach out to your Ministry Center, Zonal headquarters, or local church office for registration details for this extraordinary summit. Brace yourself for a revolutionary encounter at the Soul Harvesters Summit 2024, propelling you towards unprecedented achievements in gathering the harvest for the Lord.