Senator Claims TGA ‘Overriding’ Experts While Processing Vaccine Injury Claims

But, something also to be cautious of during these parliamentary hearings are tactics to undermine the process of fact-finding and accountability. For instance, you’d recall the occurrence in MArch this year, where Senator Gerard Rennick alleged—under parliamentary privilege in the Senate—that the Therapeutic Goods Administration is “overriding the decision of the specialists” in refusing claims for vaccine injury from people who received COVID-19 vaccinations. Now, Services Australia administers the scheme, which offers people a way to seek a one-off compensation payment, instead of going through legal proceedings, if they experienced harm from a vaccine. The Scheme was designed to “compensate for losses due to the harm … suffered” and not for “pain and suffering.” The compensation covers lost earnings, out-of-pocket expenses, paid attendant care services, and “deceased … vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs.”
To meet the criteria for the payment, Services Australia’s website says a person must have: (a) received an approved COVID-19 vaccine; (b) met the definition of harm, for example, an administration-related injury or one of the clinical conditions listed in the policy; (c) been admitted to hospital as an inpatient, or seen in an outpatient setting for an eligible clinical condition; (d) been admitted to hospital as an inpatient for an administration-related injury; and (e) experienced losses or expenses of $1,000 or more. The site also lists the eligible conditions including myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and the autoimmune disorder Guillain Barre Syndrome. Furthermore, a claimant must have their condition verified by “a medical specialist in the relevant field of practice” (for instance, a cardiologist for myocarditis), and then send the medical report and evidence of the expenses being claimed for assessment by Services Australia.
But, Mr. Rennick told the Senate that he had spoken to “an insider from the TGA” who had since resigned, and who “played a big role in designing this scheme.”
He says that “The whole point of that scheme was that once the injured person got a specialist to say that the person was injured by the vaccine, he or she would be entitled to compensation. Now that is not happening.” INSTEAD – “What is happening is Services Australia make these people wait [on average] 297 days to get a decision. Many of them can no longer work. They are seriously ill. They have to do all the legwork of trying … see a specialist, a cardiologist or a rheumatologist, and that takes a lot of work. It’s very expensive. People have got to go and get MRIs or something to back [it] up. And then they’ve basically been neglected.” And Mr Rennick is really worth hearing – he has been in the fight against covid and covid vaccine deception for quite some time. In fact, this was him in a debate about vaccine mandates in 2022.

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