Save the Date for the Next Healing Streams Live Healing Service

#Ministry News
Save the Date for the Next Healing Streams Live Healing Service

Loveworld / 4 weeks

July 23, 2024

2 min read

Attention all! The next episode of the Healing Streams Live Healing Service with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome is approaching, and you won’t want to miss it. Here’s everything you need to know to ensure you’re part of this transformative event. Coming up Friday 26th of July to Sunday 28th of July 2024, Starting at 3PM GMT+1.
It will be a transcendent time of great release and rejoicing as billions receive instantaneous healing from all diseases and the encumbrance of pain and demonic oppression. Click here to register or confirm your attendance. The Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris is a global phenomenon which takes place thrice a year since its inception in March 2021. The Program, which is an online global event, beamed live to all participants via LN24 International, Healing Streams TV and different ministry platforms, with opportunities to participate via virtual and physical healing centers, has recorded attendance in the billions from around the world. This is a global healing crusade that produces magnificent results as prayers offered for the sick births phenomenal changes. Countless testimonies abound of healing from diverse ailments, including the dead being restored to life.
A wealth of these testimonies is available on our platforms. Through active participation in the Live Healing Services, many have experienced the unimaginable. Decades of pain have ended abruptly, ailments from birth are now history. Indeed, all of God’s promises to mankind have been fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Healing Streams Live Healing Services with Pastor Chris has shone healing rays into hearts and homes across nations and continents all over the world. Endless testimonials of the awesome greatness of God as witnessed by billions of people abound.

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