RFK Jr’s Confirmation Hearing – LN24

RFK Jr remarked that “A healthy person has 1,000 dreams. A sick person, only one.” This reminded me of what the President of Loveworld incorporated, the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD. brought to our attention regarding the importance of perfect health. He stated that once when a large survey was conducted to determine the number one need and priority in different parts of the world, the answer that emerged at the top was not money, jobs, or even food. The answer was health. That is what concerns people most. And so, this does give credence to what RFK Jr remarked. Indeed, “A healthy person has 1,000 dreams. A sick person, only one”; and often it is to be healthy. [PAUSE] This is what is at stake with RFK Jr’s hearing. It is not a mere occupation of a cabinet role; it is about having leadership that recognises not only that well-being in the US has been on a decline while chronic illnesses are on the rise, BUT also has the requisite knowledge and audacity to directly address the root cause – which is precisely what we’ll address today.
And now onto our main discussion, which is a continued analysis and commentary of RFK Jr confirmation hearing, primarily aimed at highlighting what is at stake. We ought to begin with a crucial fact, which is that – more than ever – there is a need for medical freedom and reform in the United States. For years, the US government has curated policies that insist on the submission of patients to the dictates of doctors and the medical industrial complex at large. For instance, we spoke about the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which was signed into law in the United States as part of a larger health bill on November 14, that same year. The purpose of the Act was essentially to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines, and to provide cost-effective arbitration for vaccine injury claims. And this happened because pharmaceutical companies made the case that they simply would not be able to profit if they were open to liability.
Another issue showing a need for medical freedom and reform concerns vaccine mandates. Through the pharmaceutical lobby and their financed litigations, despite an overwhelming lack of consensus on vaccine efficacy and vaccine mandates, the US has vaccine mandates. You’d recall that by early 2022, government entities at virtually every level in the United States had enacted COVID-19 vaccination requirements. At the federal level, officials in the executive branch imposed vaccination requirements on large employers, health care facilities participating in Medicare and Medicaid, federal contractors, federal employees, and military personnel. State and local governments also imposed a diverse array of vaccination mandates, covering groups such as government employees, public-facing employees of private businesses, and health care workers in some states and cities.
And yet (once again) despite widespread public debate about whether vaccination mandates are permissible at all, US courts have decisively rejected the notion that vaccination mandates are not permissible.
This highlights that the US government (and governments in various nations) have long curated policies that insist on the submission of patients to the dictates of doctors and the medical industrial complex at large, because these vaccine mandates are made possible by the pharmaceutical lobby. In fact, a 2005 House of Commons report in the United Kingdom detailed the control and consequences of the pharmaceutical lobby: it stated that “people have been taking ineffective and harmful medicines for centuries… The industry is hugely influential, affecting every aspect of the medical world, including prescribers, patients, academics, the media, and even the institutions designed to regulate it. Its influence in Parliament is extensive… Approximately 90% of clinical drug trials and 70% of trials reported in major medical journals are conducted or commissioned by the pharmaceutical industry.” As the pharmaceutical industry does most of the research, inevitably the industry not only has a major effect on what gets researched, but also how it is researched and how results are interpreted and reported.”Conflicts of interest, financial, political, and legal corruption are commonplace in the pharmaceutical industry.
This lobby is regularly responsible for health scandals, to the point that there is even an epidemic of harmful drug side effects, largely hidden. Meanwhile, these companies could not act without the media intermediary, responsible for spreading and the proselytising of a polluted science. The COVID-19 period has shown a very high level of scientific censorship, causing many people difficulties to access relevant health information. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industries are known for their propaganda in favour of the disease. Pharmaceutical industries are known to provide inaccurate and misleading promotional information about their medicines, but also inaccurate information on diseases and disease risks, which can lead to unnecessary medication and induce side effects caused by these medicines. They pay government officials and even medical practitioners to keep themselves from being exposed.
But, governments around the world then take the research and results interpreted and reported by pharmaceutical companies to make laws based on it. That is why there is an insistence of submission to mandatory vaccine schedules despite the harms that many people have suffered as a result. In any case, all of this is evidence of an urgent need for medical freedom and reform, because there are serious ramifications without this, resulting in a lack of freedom and liberties altogether. For instance, In a court case in 2013 (called Pathology vs Myriad Genetics, Inc., which was litigated in the US, the Supreme Court ruled that “you can not patent Human DNA as if it was “from nature.”
BUT at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court DID RULE that “if you were to change a human’s genome by mRNA vaccines (which are being used) then the GENOME CAN BE PATENTED.” What this means is that everyone who has had the mRNA vaccine, which we’ve discovered has the capacity to alter DNA, well, everyone who’s taken it can technically be “patented”. Not only this, but something that is patented is essentially property that is “owned”, and will thus come under the definition of “trans-human.” And those people that are legally identified as “trans-human” do not have access to Human Rights or any rights provided by the state, because they do not meet the qualification of being a human that is entitled to human rights. [PAUSE] This is the ultimate risk of a lack of medical freedom and reform. The state can coerce submission through avenues like vaccine mandates, that ultimately result in the intake of unnecessary jabs like the hepatitis vaccine for babies, and (ultimately) the lack of freedom and liberties altogether.
But, now, I highlight this need for medical freedom and reform because it is yet another issue that was highlighted during RFK Jr first confirmation hearing, particularly by Senator Rand Paul.
Senator Rand Paul is absolutely right, especially in his questioning of the logic behind some of the vaccines that are mandated – including the hepatitis vaccine. Central to the vaccine agenda and hoax, as far as it relates to children, is the idea that the many vaccines that parents are being compelled to allow for their children are somehow necessary. However, many are beginning to question this altogether and it is shocking what comes to the surface when necessity becomes central to the discussion on vaccines – especially the hepatitis B jab. In fact, have you stopped and questioned why are newborns given erythro-mycin and Hepatitis B shots?
Within hours or when a child is born, a child is subjected to pharmaceutical intervention: more specifically, a new newborn’s eyes are smeared with Erythromycin Ointment, and a newborn is given the Hepatitis B shot. However, Erythromycin Ointment is to prevent gonorrhoea or chlamydia infections of the eyes; and so, why would a newborn need this if the mother does not have these sexually transmitted illnesses? Furthermore, Hepatitis B is also a sexually transmitted disease, and from IV drug abusers, and so why would a newborn need this if parents are healthy and do not have Hepatitis B? Especially since parents are tested for these illnesses! In essence, the logic behind the alleged necessity of these interventions is really about treating newborns for illnesses they do not have – there is nothing causal and therefore expressly necessary that would warrant these interventions.
And this is not the only intervention. Beyfortus, a synthetic monoclonal antibody to RSV, is part of the approved immunisation schedule for babies and is covered by the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program and many private health insurance plans. However it has no long-term safety track record and data from France indicates it increases infant mortality. Parents should thus ask about this with obstetricians and not be surprised in the hospital at the time of delivery.
Almost inevitably, the debate on autism and whether it is caused by vaccines featured in the RFK Jr hearing. Here’s what I have always found astounding: being aware of the lack of transparency from vaccine manufacturers and the numerous detrimental ingredients that feature in vaccines – like heavy metals – why would vaccine advocates (especially the Senators we heard), defend vaccines on a negative, or perceived benefit? I say this because, in essence, the claim of vaccine efficacy AND SAFETY is not based on proven studies. Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome has asked for those studies. RFK Jr has ALSO asked for those studies, in fact, with the polio vaccine and the DTP vaccine, both Dr Chris Oyakhilome and RFK Jr respectively proved that the safety of vaccines is always alleged, and not based on scientific evidence! For instance, with the DTP vaccine (that is the diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine) Bill Gates asked the Danish government to support the program behind DTP vaccines, and said it saved 30 million lives. The Danish government asked Gates to show them the data. Biut, he interestingly was not able to. So the Danish government came to the African continent and did their own studies, in which they looked at 30 years of DTP data. [PAUSE] What they found shocked them: they found that girls who got the DTP were dying at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated girls. So, did Bill Gates not know this? Where were the 30 million lives saved? Or could it be that he maybe did have studies but studies that only looked at short term effects, below the 30 year mark? Well, irrespective: this proves that the data that Bill Gates tried to use as a selling point to the Danish government was false. The safety of the DTP vaccine was alleged, and therefore, the benefits were perceived at best.
This matters for the vaccine and autism debate because if the issue with vaccines is the lack of transparency from manufacturers and harmful ingredients like heavy metals – then how can vaccine supporters make an absolute argument that vaccines do not cause autism? But, when listening to Senator Maggie Hassan, there is a notable nuance that we ought to address.
What Senator Maggie Hassan’s contribution reflects is the distress of parents who have not only wondered if there is something wrong that they did to result in the harms suffered by their children (as she stated), but I think to a degree (also) parents who have been so conditioned by the government to submit to the alleged wisdom of the medical industrial complex, that it becomes inconceivable for them to think that they might have been wrong in ignorantly trusting the government’s mandated health directives, and in their ignorance, led to the harm of their children. Let me state emphatically, that no parent deserves to experience this.
However, it is the refusal to grapple with this uncomfortable reality that actually leads to a lack of progress in finding causes of autism – not the people who keep probing this matter. In fact, there are countless testimonies of parents that not only show a direct link between the deterioration of the health of their children and vaccines, but also a culture of medical doctors who merely shrug when these concerns are brought to their attention.
Well, coming to terms with these critical issues is a challenge enough. But what is perhaps another alarming realisation, is that the defence of vaccines and vaccine manufacturers is not just about ignorance to the impact of vaccines, rather it is about financial incentive. In our previous discussion on RFK Jr’s hearing I highlighted that it was a case of a simple dichotomy: either the Senators are for placing the best interests of Americans first, or they have alternative motives that coerce them to defend the unthinkable. Well, this makes that even clearer.
For instance, it came up in the hearing that people like Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders received financial contributions for the pharmaceutical industry. Of course Senator Sanders tried to spin this for a socialist win by saying the contributions came from the workers, and not executives, although this of course, does not change the source of the money, and the capacity is has to influence his inclinations – much like was seen during Mr Kennedy’s hearing.
A similar critique arose for Democrat Senator Patty Murray, who was calling to block the confirmation of Robert F Kennedy Jr as Secretary of HHS, saying he’s a “anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist”. Well, it is worth noting that Senator Murray received campaign amounts amounting to $513,635 from pharmaceuticals; over $666,970 from health professionals; $311,844 from insurance companies, and $198,376 from Health Maintenance Organizations (or HMOs).
And so, it is becoming clearer and clearer what motivates Democrat Senators opposed to RFK – it is the source of their finances. Not that RFK jr is some tin-hat wearing conspiracy theorist, or that he has exceptional ideas to fundamentally work alongside president Trump in improving the health of Americas, no; it is simply greed. In fact, is not ironic that liberals will claim to detest big pharma and the lack of medical freedom in the US (in fact some even diabolically cheered when the head of an insurance company was murdered), and yet will oppose RFK Jr who wants to challenge the medical industrial complex.
In any case, they have imagined a vain thing! We have surely prayed, and continue to pray – especially considering how central pharmakeia is to the deception of nations, as revealed to us in the Scriptures, we thus have a categorical imperative to watch and pray concerning RFK Jr’s confirmation hearing. Ultimately, in this glorious Year of Completeness, all satanic and globalist agendas are suspended; they will live in our world, and we will not live in theirs, as we wrap up the Church age. And so, let us keep fighting the good fight of faith, because we have truly already won.