Pastor Chris Set to Bring You God’s Word Again on Your LoveWorld Specials (Season 9, Phase 6)

Get ready for a fresh wave of fellowship, insight, and impact on the upcoming Your LoveWorld Specials (Season 9, Phase 6) with Pastor Chris. Beginning 7 pm GMT+1 on Wednesday 17th to Fri 19th, July 2024, this momentous phase of the popular telecast will be beamed live to a mammoth global audience in several language translations via all Loveworld Networks, LoveWorld News CeFlix channel at, LoveWorld News SuperUser Live Story on KingsChat, and other platforms.
As always, this special 3-day Word diet promises unforgettable moments of earnest prayers and answers, spirited worship led by the exceptional Loveworld Singers.
At these times when the world is grappling with daunting challenges including food shortage, insecurity, outright deception, fear, and other negativities, the teachings of the man of God, Reverend (Dr.) Chris Oyakhilome DSc., DSC., DD has become a haven for all. Pastor Chris has proven to speak the truth, rightly informing his audience about the issues being faced by the world and proffering godly solutions through fervent prayers and instructions of God’s Spirit. Here is another ample opportunity to know the mind of God and be aligned with God’s purpose for these times. Mark the dates, make adequate preparations, and endeavor to participate live.
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