Pastor Chris Declares 2025 as “The Year of Completeness”

On the night of December 31st, Pastor Chris shared a profound and prophetic message to usher in the year 2025, declaring it the Year of Completeness. This message was centered around the spiritual significance of the year ahead and the calling for believers to walk in the fullness of God’s purpose for their lives.
Pastor Chris began by stressing the importance of the message, emphasizing that it would guide everyone into 2025 with a deeper understanding of their identity in Christ. He highlighted that this year marks a special time for the Church as it prepares for the Lord’s soon return. With the years ahead holding great significance, Pastor Chris promised to share more teachings in the coming months to help believers fully grasp the weight of this season.
Drawing from Scripture, Pastor Chris delved into James 1:4, explaining the concept of being “perfect” and “entire,” which, in the original Greek, means complete and lacking nothing. This, he said, is the state that every believer is called to enter. He elaborated on the word Pleroma in Colossians 4:12, which refers to fullness, and asked, “Full of what? Replete with what?” The answer, he said, is that in Christ, we are to be completely filled with all that God has planned for us.
He then reminded the congregation that Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship—a living, breathing reality where Christ is at work in believers. Pastor Chris explained that the word “Christ” means God manifested in the flesh—something that was profoundly understood by the Jews when they anticipated the coming Messiah. He pointed out that when Jesus declared Himself as the Son of God, it wasn’t a claim to be taken lightly; it was the manifestation of God in human form, which ultimately led to His crucifixion. However, Pastor Chris emphasized that receiving Christ into our lives is not just a religious act; it is the actual reality of Christ living within us, and believers must understand and live in the fullness of this truth.
For 2025, Pastor Chris declared that believers are called to walk in the fullness of Christ. He quoted Ephesians 3:19, which speaks of being filled with the fullness of God, and Colossians 2:10, which assures that believers are complete in Christ. He urged everyone to embrace their new identity, explaining that as new creations in Christ, we were made to be like God, walking in victory and free from the limitations of the world. This, he said, was the understanding believers need to live without fear of sickness or failure.
Pastor Chris also encouraged everyone to acknowledge the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel in their lives. In Philemon 1:6, he highlighted that acknowledging the good things in us—those things made available through our relationship with Christ—will make our faith effective. This will lead to fruitfulness and an increase in spiritual knowledge, which will help believers walk in the fullness of God’s will.
Looking ahead, Pastor Chris spoke about the maturity the Church will experience in 2025. He emphasized that this year will see the Church advancing to a new level of spiritual growth. The “nationhood” of the Body of Christ will become evident as believers unite in purpose and understanding. The goal, he said, is not just individual growth, but the Church coming together in unity, as described in Ephesians 4:13, to walk in the fullness of Christ’s likeness.
The message then turned to the global mission of the Church. Pastor Chris declared that 2025 would be the year when the Gospel is preached completely to all nations. He reflected on the distribution of Rhapsody of Realities to 5 billion people as a milestone in the global outreach, and he envisioned even greater accomplishments in the coming year. Referring to Romans 15:19-22, he explained that Paul knew when he had fully preached the Gospel in a region, and the Church is now on the brink of completing this mission globally.
In closing, Pastor Chris reminded the congregation that this year should also be one of anticipation for the Lord’s return. He encouraged everyone to live with the expectation of Christ’s imminent coming, much like the Apostle Paul expressed in 2 Timothy 4:7-8. As believers complete their mission on earth, they are to be ready to say, like Paul, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course.”
Finally, Pastor Chris ended the service with a call to light up the world with the glory of God. He assured everyone that 2025, the Year of Completeness, is not just a spiritual declaration but a reality that believers must live out in their everyday lives.
very inspring article we will do more in this year of completeness