John Kerry on Climate ‘Disinformation’

WEF Sustainable Development Impact Meetings 2024
The First Amendment: A Problematic Blessing
John Kerry wants to put a “Hammer and Sickle” to Free Speech. Kerry’s solution to the FIRST AMENDMENT being a “MAJOR ROAD BLOCK” to hammering out disinformation is that he hopes his party gets enough votes, so it can “IMPLEMENT CHANGE.”Kerry, cloistered in the comfort of the Davos bubble, reminded us just how difficult it is to govern when the masses actually get to speak their minds. “It’s really hard to govern today,” Kerry lamented, exuding the charm of someone frustrated that the rabble is talking back. The referees of truth, as he calls them, have been “eviscerated.” You know, those old-school arbiters—the gatekeepers of facts—who made sure the right people got to say the right things, ensuring a comfortable consensus among the elite.Back then, if something was decided to be true, well, it stayed true.But now, that pesky First Amendment and the democratization of information are making it all so much harder.
Are rich people not paying their tax in reality?
Lest put to test what John Kerry was saying about his carbon taxes and how it bridge the bridge between the poor and the rich … .Is he being truthful in saying that rich people don’t pay their taxes … .Well, this financial analysis by Patrick Bet David will blow you away. If you listen to anything today, this is it. Everyone who cares about America’s ability to be an innovative, entrepreneurial nation needs to listen to this and then VOTE accordingly in November.
John Kerry…..DEMOCRACIES around the world now ARE STRUGGLING with the ABSENCE of a TRUTH ARBITER, and there’s no one who defines what the facts really are”.Kerry’s nostalgia for the referee era betrays the fundamental problem: consensus is messy, chaotic, and utterly infuriating when it’s done right. In his view, consensus-building is getting harder because all the voices—yes, even the dumb, crazy, disagreeable ones—are getting a say. Democracy without controlled consensus isn’t real democracy, at least not the polished kind that fits neatly on a forum PowerPoint slide.
Shocking MASK OFF moment with John Kerry
John Kerry says, “It is harder to build consensus today”
In a shocking MASK OFF moment, John Kerry, who served as US Secretary of State under Barack Obama, complained that the First Amendment makes it hard to have consensus in a “Democracy”’ and that social media and free speech are posing the biggest road blocks to those who want to “protect democracy”.Don’t be fooled. The Democrats want to eradicate free speech so they can have a dictatorship.The US’s first Climate Envoy went on to express his fear of “misinformation,” a word that’s become shorthand for “anything I disagree with” in the discourse of modern governance. To be fair, the proliferation of unfiltered content has thrown a wrench into the carefully oiled machinery of public relations. But Kerry’s wistfulness for the days of centralized narrative management suggests something more than concern for public welfare. It hints at a frustration with the sheer messiness of democracy itself—when people are empowered to shout over each other, rather than politely taking turns in a line managed by legacy media.
John Kerry: the world needs a global basis to price carbon
The Rockefeller brothers invented the climate crisis narrative for profit. I despair when I see young people buying it. A bit of scepticism please!”The Rockefeller Brothers Fund under the leadership of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger founded the United Nations Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). and funded it with near unlimited resources going forward.In the appendices of Norgangard’s book, he lists all the institutions founded by the family. Skimming them, I found myself jumping out of my desk chair and shouting into the void. The dog vanished, the cat hid. It is infuriating – they used their power to corrupt every institution that would serve their end game. Here is one page.In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea, they took a silly but interesting theory and amped it up with hundreds and hundreds of million of dollars. They founded institutions and linked the survival of those institutions to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another.By 1998, the Rockefeller family had swept the table clean of any opposition to this one idea. Any scientist not on board with the agenda was imperilled. Any university department not working towards this one artificial goal, was in danger of being marginalised. Infiltration had begun into every media organisation, every entertainment division of every major corporation. This, as stated below, would be a generational goal. For everyone. Or get off the bus.”Regardless of this truth, climate grifter John Kerry is of the opinion that what the world needs on a global basis is to price carbon.. He also threw soup on the former President Trump

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