I was fired for my sermon on LGBT issues. But I will not apologise for speaking the truth

Former school chaplain, Bernard Randall says he was sacked for gross misconduct and reported to the Government’s anti-terrorism programme after delivering a sermon which contained Christian views on sexuality.
In June 2019, I delivered a sermon.
As the ordained Church of England chaplain at Trent College, a school with a Church of England foundation, preaching during a Church of England service in the Church of England chapel (you get my drift…), I didn’t expect any trouble.
The topic was the clash between the views of LGBT activists and majority Christian teaching on marriage, the reality of sex, and gender identity.
Although a sensitive topic, I highlighted the unacceptability of personal attacks or abuse, and encouraged respect for those with whom we disagree. I explicitly said make up your mind, and that if you agree with the LGBT activists that’s fine.
But for my trouble I was reported to the police under the Government Prevent anti-terrorism programme, and sacked for gross misconduct. All this for saying in pretty moderate terms things the Church of England teaches, in accordance with my job description and what one might expect of an ordained person. I was reinstated on appeal, but with a final written warning, and a list of 20 conditions, including censorship of all sermons in advance and not broaching anywhere in the school any topic which might upset or cause offence to anyone.
But for my trouble I was reported to the police under the Government Prevent anti-terrorism programme, and sacked for gross misconduct. All this for saying in pretty moderate terms things the Church of England teaches, in accordance with my job description and what one might expect of an ordained person. I was reinstated on appeal, but with a final written warning, and a list of 20 conditions, including censorship of all sermons in advance and not broaching anywhere in the school any topic which might upset or cause offence to anyone.
At the same time, the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead reported me to the Local Authority Designated Officer for safeguarding (the LADO). As if delivering a sermon to a congregation was “persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development.” That’s the definition in the policy she was (supposed to be) working from.
Thankfully, neither the police nor the LADO saw any need to take any action or carry out an investigation. Allegedly the police officer did comment that the sermon was “wholly inappropriate for…society in general.” That police officer was speaking about a sermon which the House of Bishops later confirmed contained “nothing outside the doctrine of the Church of England.” Make of that what you will.
However, I was no longer allowed to teach, and Covid was used as a reason to make me redundant at the end of 2020.
I took the school to an Employment Tribunal for discrimination and unfair dismissal. I lost. The ruling said it was inappropriate for the sermon to use persuasive language like “You may believe,” and that I had gone way beyond permissible teaching and risked causing harm. But since the judgment only quoted about 20 words of the sermon, out of context, I’ve no idea what I said that was so unacceptable, or why.