Georgian Parliament Passes Law Restricting LGBTQ Rights

#Human Angle

Georgian Parliament Passes Law Restricting LGBTQ Rights

Loveworld / 2 hours

September 18, 2024

1 min read

Georgian lawmakers have approved a controversial law that significantly restricts LGBTQ rights, including the potential outlawing of Pride events and public displays of the rainbow flag. The legislation, framed by the ruling Georgian Dream party as a means to protect traditional values, has drawn widespread condemnation from activists and human rights advocates.
Critics, including Tamara Jakeli from Tbilisi Pride, warn that the law could force their organization to shut down, calling it a severe blow to the LGBTQ community. This move comes ahead of Georgia’s parliamentary elections, with concerns that the government is catering to conservative voters amidst shifting political dynamics, particularly with an eye towards Russia.
President Salome Zourabichvili has expressed her intention to block the bill, but the ruling party has enough parliamentary support to override any veto. The situation highlights the deep-seated challenges LGBTQ individuals face in Georgia, where societal attitudes remain largely unfavorable, and the constitution prohibits same-sex marriage. Recent Pride events have also been marred by violence from anti-LGBTQ protesters, underscoring the precarious position of LGBTQ rights in the country.

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