Euthanasia and Population Control – LN24

On Day 2 of the Your Loveworld Specials Season 10 Phase 2 with the President of Loveworld Incorporated, the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD., yesterday, the 12th of December, not only did we get to learn further concerning the future of nations, with new insights concerning the nations represented in the Scriptures as they are known in the present, and what prophecy says concerning them, but additionally we were once again taught about the diabolical agenda behind euthanasia – and what our response as the Church of Jesus Christ ought to be in light of this as watchers and restrainers sanctioned by God. Well, let’s proceed to look at the teachings from the President of Loveworld Incorporated, especially in light of euthanasia and population control, following Day 2 of the Your Loveworld Specials Season 10 Phase 2.
At the commencement of Day 2 of the Your Loveworld Specials Season 100 Phase 2, the President showed a documentary titled ‘Legalising Euthansia: A Eugenics Plot – PART 1’, which exposes the horrors of euthanasia. This documentary exposes the fact that euthanasia is an intervention that is based on not treating a patient’s symptoms, and rather intentionally ends their lives. It also refutes the pretentious claim that there are some significant nuances between the different terminology used to refer to euthanasia, with some claiming that when it is medically assisted suicide it is somehow more humane because it involves medical practitioners. euthanasia as synonymous with medically assisted dying (or MAID) or even assisted suicide – BUT, the reality is that whether you call it euthanasia, assisted dying, mercy killing or MAID – they are the same. They try to present the “nuance” that MAID is inclusive of medical practitioners, but that is mere semantics, like paedophiles wanting to be called minor attracted persons. In fact, in many places where euthanasia is legal, there typically is a condition for medical practitioners to be involved (like we see with death row cases). So it really is the same thing in principle, and often in practice.
And it is important to especially look at the practice today, because the actual execution of euthanasia practices reveal that it is not AT ALL peaceful: in fact, the concoction of drugs used in a number of euthanasia cases are the same as those used for people on death row. Often the justification that was used for capital punishment or the death penalty is that there is a so-called “humane” way for the state to kill prisoners. But, when you look at the concoction, it was actually not peaceful – it is torturous! However, the reason it looks peaceful is because the drugs are paralytic; therefore, the person who has ingested the drugs cannot move to express pain or discomfort, and they cannot change their mind even if you wanted to – because of the paralytic. And then, the other lethal drugs start to work.
Unfortunately, a lethal injection or concoction of drugs that serve as a paralytic is just one part of the story – when it comes to euthanasia. The other part is that whether it’s a death row prisoner, a terminally ill person, the method of so-called assisted killing and the result are the same, which is that it results in prolonged torture! And most people actually have no idea how agonising these lethal injection or drug-induced deaths are because (once again) the victim is paralysed. And yet research has proven, however, that DESPITE BEING PARALYSED, the person who has been given the lethal injection or drug concoction suffers great pain, all while being aware of everything that’s happening – so much so that death by lethal injection is deemed highly tortuous and violating of the most basic human rights of an individual.
And let’s address this further. The claim that euthanasia is merciful and peaceful; was sustained by a number of underlying arguments, which can be summarised as (1) allowing people to have the right to opt for death in a manner they can control, while minimising their suffering; and (2) that people are generally allowed to consent to harm. And let’s address these.
First, on the argument to allow people to have the right to opt for death in a manner they can control, while minimising their suffering – the first refutation is that the injections and concoctions are torturous and do not even have an immediate killing effect; therefore there is no peaceful dying, and you cannot claim that using tortuous interventions, like a lethal injection, to kill a person is compassionate – that is a textbook contradiction or oxymoron. The second refutation of this argument is that people typically justify heinous conduct by euphemistically presenting it as a compassionate act – and when this happens, the argument of euthanasia as compassion becomes a conduit for state-sanctioned human rights violations and killing.
You’d recall an example, we discussed in light of euthanasia, in looking at Canada as a case study. In essence, for want of a mattress, a man in Canada is dead. That’s the story, in sum, of a quadriplegic man who chose to end his life in January this year through medically assisted suicide. Normand Meunier’s story began with a visit to a Quebec hospital due to a respiratory virus. Meunier subsequently developed a painful bedsore after being left without access to a mattress to accommodate his needs. Thereafter, he applied to Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying program. Meunier spent ninety-five hours on a stretcher in the emergency room — just hours short of four days. The bedsore he developed “eventually worsened to the point where bone and muscle were exposed and visible — making his recovery and prognosis bleak.” And then, the man who “didn’t want to be a so-called burden” chose to die at home, followed by an internal investigation on the matter.
This exposes the slippery slope: in Canada, euthanasia moved from being an option for the terminally ill (which is wrong on its own), to being a medical option for people without access to adequate healthcare services. But, this was a predictable outcome! When they legalised euthanasia for the terminally ill, it was a window to allow a principality that disregards life to gain access. But, the devil does not have respect for boundaries, which is why we ought never to give him room, because once you give him access to kill on the basis of euthanasia for the terminally ill, he will not stop there – and the proof is Canada! In fact, not just on the basis of Normand Meunier’s case, but also in relation to a 2022 development where a new euthanasia law at the time enabled a man 23 years in age, who expressed depression, diabetes and not having a girlfriend as reasons for wanting to be killed, was actually passed!
But, let’s also talk about a common ingredient in death row cases because it has now appeared in what can be described as forced euthanasia cases – and this ingredient is Midazolam. For some context, when it comes to capital punishment (or the death penalty), hanging was the most common form of capital punishment in the US until the 1890s. Then, the electric chair became the most widespread method. In 1982, the first execution by lethal injection was carried out by the state of Texas, after which it gradually replaced the electric chair across the nation. Perhaps surprisingly, though, there is still no consensus on the exact combination of drugs and dosages to use for the lethal injection.
The drug midazolam – a sedative used by several states to cause unconsciousness – has proved so controversial that, in 2017, Alabama inmate Thomas D Arthur asked to be executed by firing squad, external. Arthur lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court to postpone his execution on the basis that midazolam, one of the drugs in Alabama’s three-drug lethal injection combination, could contribute to ‘prolonged torture’. The Supreme Court denied the appeal, and Arthur was executed (by lethal injection) in May 2017. But, the controversy around midazolam became particularly heated at the time of Arkansas’s ‘mass executions’ in April 2017.
Now, in the state of Arkansas in the US, the lethal injection comprises three chemicals: midazolam, to sedate; vecuronium bromide, to paralyse the muscles; and potassium chloride, to stop the heart. Each of these is delivered at a dose that could theoretically kill the inmate; however, each drug has drawbacks. A cocktail of all three is apparently used to mitigate the other drugs’ disadvantages. At the time of execution, the inmate is strapped to a gurney, and IV tubes are inserted into both arms. Notable is that the Arkansas procedure uses two IV sites. This is allegedly partly to protect against ‘vein failure’. Vein failure was cited as the reason behind the ‘botched’ execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma in 2014, which reportedly took 43 minutes as Lockett ‘thrashed on the gurney, writhing and groaning in pain’. So this paints a graphic picture of just how torturous lethal injections are, and why midazolam has been featured in the concoctions.
And yet, states that use the death penalty, have become so dependent on this drug, that they even plan executions based on its expiry date in a manner that is nothing short of psychopathic disregard for life.
Here’s why this is important to note, especially in light of this being given to the elderly. This is part of a depopulation agenda. You’d recall that inherent to the depopulation agenda is the underlying claim that there is a class of so-called useless people, as was once articulated by the WEF Yuval Noah Harari. The elderly, as being among the most vulnerable people in society, who at times even tend to be dependent for assistance on day-to-day activities and healthcare, are unfortunately seen as being among the so-called useless class, because people like Noah Harari view people in light of what they can contribute towards their agendas. And this is obviously absurd, because life is inherently valuable – which is why the right to life is inalienable; the value of your life is not premised on relative usefulness, otherwise babies or people with quadriplegia (for example) would not have a right to life – which they absolutely do. Now, this is not to say that you should not discover your purpose in Christ (we absolutely must), rather it is to say that your life is not any less valuable before you discover your divine purpose or when you are less capacitated than others.
But, this misguided perception of a so-called useless class by the same cohort or cabal of psychopaths with malthusian aspirations to significantly decrease the population, has manifested as a war on the elderly through euthanasia, and it is even tied to the vaccine holocaust and depopulation agenda.
During Day 2 of the Your Loveworld Specials Season 10 Phase 2, the President of Loveworld Incorporated then proceeded to offer a crucial warning to those attempting to legislate euthanasia – including the UK. In essence, he adminishes that when a law is being created, it is important to think about future applications of that law as well.
And this immediately brought to mind what John Adams said about the US Constitution: he said, (quote) “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. And he said this because he believed that morality and virtue were the foundation of the republic. He also believed that virtue was an inner commitment and an outward obedience to moral law and principles of truth; and even that specific moral virtues included courage, justice, temperance, charity, honesty, reverence, and prudence.
But, the one problem with this is that it means there are portions of the US constitution that are ill-equipped for a government like the Biden-Harris administration or abuses of the powers of the president. An example is presidential pardons: clearly, the US constitution was ill-equipped for a corrupt president using presidential pardons to undermine justice, as opposed to correcting a miscarriage of justice, while making it difficult to amend or remove presidential pardons. This debate and interpretation of jurisprudence and law is thus essential for people trying to legislate euthanasia to consider, because laws have the potential to be weaponised for evil.