Electric Vehicles: A political strategy, not a scientific solution

#Politics & Current Affairs

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Electric Vehicles: A political strategy, not a scientific solution

Loveworld / 4 months

November 24, 2023

1 min read

US Congressman Thomas Massie  who is an electrical engineer revealed a notable fact, in discussion with Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, who is seemingly President Biden’s plan to have 50% of cars sold in the US be electric by 2030.
He revealed that the additional electricity consumption per household if the average US home adopted electric vehicles would be equivalent to that household having 25 refrigerators. Meanwhile, the current and future grid in most places will not be able to support each home running 25 refrigerators.
In California, where the grid is already buckling under the existing load. Massie claims, correctly, in my view, that the notion of widespread adoption of electric vehicles anytime soon is a dangerous fantasy based on political science, not sound engineering.
Nonetheless, governments, the media, academia, large corporations, and celebrities tout an imminent “transition” to EVs as if it’s preordained from above.

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