Detransitioners: A Strong Refutation to the Politicisation of Medicine

So, March 12th was celebrated as Detransitioners Day, which saw various individuals and organisations actively participating in ‘Detrans Awareness Day’ on Capitol Hill to spotlight the experiences of those who have detransitioned, along with the reality of the corruption of gender ideology and the diabolical nature of the gender agenda.
The event featured speakers sharing personal stories, aiming to influence policy and public understanding regarding so-called transgender healthcare. We then ought to address this further, particularly in light of the fact that (in a manner synonymous to Biblical reports) what those behind the transgender agenda had intended for evil, has certainly turned around to become a refutation of their politicisation of medicine.
Detransitioners: A Strong Refutation to the Politicisation of Medicine
So, March 12th was celebrated as Detransitioners Day, which saw various individuals and organisations actively participating in ‘Detrans Awareness Day’ on Capitol Hill to spotlight the experiences of those who have detransitioned, along with the reality of the corruption of gender ideology and the diabolical nature of the gender agenda. The event featured speakers sharing personal stories, aiming to influence policy and public understanding regarding so-called transgender healthcare. We then ought to address this further, particularly in light of the fact that (in a manner synonymous to Biblical reports) what those behind the transgender agenda had intended for evil, has certainly turned around to become a refutation of their politicisation of medicine.
And now onto our main discussion on detransitioners serving as a strong refutation of the politicisation of medicine, Now, while we know that there is no scientific study that supports gender dysphoria, doctors, teachers and activists in support of the gender agenda make the claim that children can tell from an early age when they have been “mis–genderred”. They go a step further to say that it is oppressive and discriminatory not to allow them to dress or act in the manner that they identify – so much so, that in other western countries like Canada and states like California in the US, there has been a call to criminalise parents who refuse to support so-called trans children in one way or the other.
Some direct rebuttal. First, again, there is no scientific evidence to support an experience of gender dysphoria, therefore what they claim to be intuitive knowledge from a child when they claim to be “mis-gendered” can not be regarded as an objective fact. Secondly, as we have established in previous discussions, there is a general consensus that children are not regarded as fully mature beings who are capable of complete expression or legal consent. The reason for this is that children, in all that they progressively learn, do not always fully appreciate the complex concepts (which is why complex concepts are simplified and taught at their level of understanding). Children are also not fully able to appreciate the consequences of actions, even when they are taught those actions are wrong or right (which is why we do not allow children to make complex decisions, especially irreversible ones). So, generally, we have this understanding in society, it’s part of the reason why five year olds do not vote in national elections, or why children do not have legal standing to represent themselves in court, or even why parents/legal guardians generally determine health decisions for their children.
But now, the gender agenda both undermines the vulnerability of children by overstating their ability to understand complex concepts on sexuality and even the ability of children to give informed consent. Subsequently, it takes advantage of the impressionable nature and vulnerability of children and even young adults. I say this because there is often a specific demographic of children who tend to become victims of the trans agenda, and it is children often suffering from mental health issues or experiencing discomfort during puberty changes. They are then prescribed chemical or surgical castration, because it is simply a quick fix to what is really an unrelated mental health issue. Some of them have come out to testify of the often undiscussed harms they suffer.
From this just seen documentary excerpt alone, we can infer that the common denominator in the cases we just heard was mental health issues. These people were in need of help that addressed the root cause of their issues, and not a counter-narrative that suggested something completely unrelated. But the reason why transgenderism was presented to them as an option is because – despite all the talk of gender ideology activists on how there are more than two genders and how gender is not binary, IRONICALLY, trans and gender ideology activists will provide to the children they target a so-called solution that is inherently binary; because they state that if you are not happy as a girl, then it must be because you are a boy or vise versa. Ultimately, these so-called activists and the medical practitioners that they co-opted lied to children to tell them they would become better. In fact, at the detransitioner day discussion, one of the detransitioners shared her story and in her message to the medical professionals who transitioned her as a minor, she very aptly asked: “Why didn’t you protect me?”
The detransitioner we just listened to also captured something critical about the children who experience traumatic events and mental health issues who become susceptible to false and diabolical trans ideology. She said no one wants to be a traumatised child. This is incredibly true. Which brings me to another aspect of how politicised medicine manipulated the mental health and traumatic histories of children for the gender agenda. This has to do with the fact that politicised medicine completely ignores how children respond to traumatic and stressful events or development.
More specifically, any respectable medical practitioner, teacher, social worker or child psychiatrist will tell you that children process trauma through a variety of emotional, behavioral, and physical reactions, which can include increased anxiety, difficulty regulating emotions, sleep disturbances, and changes in behavior or routines. They might also struggle to understand or articulate their feelings, leading to outbursts or withdrawal. They might become irritable, withdrawn, or experience a loss of interest in activities they once enjoyed. It may even appear in curious physical manifestations like stomachaches, headaches, or other genuinely unexplained physical symptoms.
Now, instead of recognising these manifestations as potential expressions of discomfort, a traumatic experience, or even mental health issues, politicised medicine will instead (almost always) re-characterise these symptoms as being symbolic of gender dysphoria. And there is context for this aggravating leap in logic, because it was the same thing that (the unacceptably renowned psychologist) Sigmund Freud did when he discovered, years ago, that those who were exhibiting abnormal behaviour who had been entrusted to his care, had actually all been sexually abused when they were younger. He presented his findings to the society at the time, and when they threatened his career, he then presented a counter-narrative for why the children were exhibiting abnormal behaviour, as opposed to addressing the root cause.
Finally, politicised medicine also manipulates mental health concerns by threatening the suicide of children who are not permitted to “transiiton”. Once again, I do not necessarily blame parents for falling for this claim; because when a parent is told that their child is at risk of ending their life, that easily seems like the worst case scenario and thus has the potential to dilute the parent’s concerns about child mutilation, if they do not understand the full extent of the harms that child mutilation also brings. And so, parental concern (that is particularly fueled by fear mongering) will likely move parents to want to save their children (at least as they are coerced to) – especially if they do not fully understand what the transition would mean for their children.
But, when we engage de-transitioners, who are now speaking out against allowing minors to make choices that have an irreversible impact on them, these children and young adults are advocating hard against allowing minors to make such decisions because they are now dealing with the consequences of having been allowed to make decisions with permanent ramifications on the basis of temporary feelings. What is also interesting to note, is that children who opted for child mutilation, were actually coerced themselves into transitioning because even they were told they would end their lives if they did not transition (like we saw in the documentary excerpt earlier on)!
Therefore, it appears that the threat of suicide originates from the medical practitioners who perform these surgeries of distribute the puberty blockers! SECONDLY, and this is especially for parents) if children are not being told that THEY will end their lives if they do not opt for mutilation, they are often already struggling with mental health issues, like depression. Therefore, even in this instance, as a parent, it is worth considering that you would not be risking the life of your children by refusing to opt for child mutilation – because the depression or other mental health issues seems to generally exist independent of the option for mutilation or “transitioning”. Therefore, there is a greater urgency to solve those issues through addressing their root cause, as opposed to adhering to the counter-narrative that claims that is a child is depressed or suicidal, it is because they are transgender and need to be allowed to “transition”.
And I believe Yarden Silveira’s story is among the most tragic cases of detransition that serve as a warning. His scathing Yelp reviews of the surgeons who harmed him briefly surfaced on social media last year, but his full story remained elusive. But, in essence, as a vulnerable autistic teenager, Yarden was encouraged by healthcare providers to medically transition. After suffering severe, life-threatening complications from a botched vaginoplasty—and after more than a dozen so-called “gender-affirming” doctors refused to treat his surgeon-inflicted injuries—he is believed to have ended his life at just 23. His preventable death was NOT because his parents refused for him to transition; his death is because he DID transition and suffered the ramifications that came with it. [PAUSE] This is ofcourse a very difficult thing to discuss, and my hope is not merely to use Yarden’s case to conclude a point; rather it is to highlight that the trans agenda is a diabolical agenda that – at its core – is about the destruction of lives; it is a tool used to wage a war on health and the innocence of children, and it therefore must categorically be treated as such, so that there are not many cases like that of Yarden.
And , thankfully, people are getting increasingly aware of this agenda and its tactics to manipulate vulnerable children and even undermine parental rights; which actually brings us to a testimony of a de-transitioner that we once discussed in a different context – her name being Chloe Cole – and she highlights that her parents, who did not fully understand th world of transgenderism, were threatened with her alleged suicide, thus coercing them into a diffuct choice.
Now, it is not only woke or quiet medical practitioners who politicise medicine that are culpable in the chemical castration or mutilation of children. Groomers are a big part of it as well. This can be inferred from a very concerning story from another detransitioner.
And here we see it. Forrest articulated that he was engaged with an older man; who happened to encourage him towards the transgender path; in fact, Forrest expresses that that encouragement was the actual push. And there are many stories of older men who abuse young boys, and are able to encourage them towards decisions that are obviously to their disadvantage – which is why these relations are often referred to as grooming; and it is a very big issue with the alphabet mafia.
But I believe it was also not lost on you how synonymous the stories we’ve heard and discussed are – you would think that they are told from the same person; especially as it relates to painful historical experience in the past, being told that the solution is transgenderism, and then realising that transgenderism worsened their experiences, even causing feelings of suicide. This is why the detransitioners like Forrest, Chloe Cole or Laura Becker who asked why she wasn’t protected are all a strong refutation to the politicisation of medicine.
Here’s why – as difficult as they may be – I never view these discussions (or any, really) with a sense of despair; it is because God’s truth is being embraced by many. We see this with God’s placement of parents, caretakers, teachers and medical practitioners who will fight the forces behind the politicisation of medicine and education – like we have seen so many do. This also comes with God’s placement of leaders who champion his agenda and proclaim His Word through the influence they are given. In light of the trans agenda, we saw president Trump not only ban biological men in women’s sports, but proclaim in a joint-seating of Congress, in encouragement, that all children should know that they are perfect just as God had made them.
We’ve just listened to so many detransitioners express that they were facing troubles at home, reeling from abuses they experienced as minors, and other mental or physical discomforts. Imagine hearing your president, or an incredibly celebrated leader of a nation say that – those words may offer you the ammunition needed to challenge negative thoughts, or at the very least, offer a provoking challenge to the contrary ideas you’ve heard.
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso

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