Depopulation Is A Euphemism For Mass Murders

We have spoken at length about the evil intent behind the depopulation agenda. However, today, we have to address the nuance that “depopulation” is also a euphemism for mass murders. To evidence this, we need look no further than the means that have been employed to implement the depopulation agenda. Primarily, these means have included vaccines, war and famine (which we ought to think of in light of the war on food supply). Today, let’s look at vaccines.
In a previous discussion we had on gain of function research, we emphasised the unique sinister nature of this aspect of vaccinology because it involves the intentional weaponisation of a virus for infection, typically so that a pharmaceutical company can sell a vaccine that they had already prepared. HOWEVER, the depopulation agenda exposes that gain-of-function research is not necessarily always about profit; really it is also about mass murder. The AIDS epidemic, especially in Africa, is one example among many of how the weaponisation of viruses is used against populations. In essence, you’d recall that it has since come out in the open that Africans were intentionally inoculated with the AIDS virus, with the intention to kill them – a confession that came from one of the intelligence officers who worked for the South African Apartheid regime, through a unit of the South African Institute for Maritime Research (SAMIR) which was actually an intelligence and mercenary group.
But, the officer in question, a Mr Alexander Jones, doesn’t say that this operation was exclusive to South Africa, thus making it implausible to say that this was an exclusive pursuit by the Apartheid regime. In fact, he instead says this was an undertaking that was directed towards Africans in general. Here’s why this matters: it shows that when a group of people are villainised, problematised or even regarded as less than deserving of equal moral concern, they are treated and even killed in the most heinous ways. And while this is discussed in the context of the apartheid regime that discriminated against black South Africans, this problem actually transcends racial politics! At its core is a fundamental disregard for human life, once the people committing the atrocities have convinced themselves that those they are fighting are an enemy.
While this issue transcends racial politics, it is notable that when SAMIR went around African countries inoculating people with the AIDS virus, they came as people who were providing medical services. In fact, the documentary (the excerpt of which we just watched) reveals that the leader of SAMIR, a Mr Keith Maxwell, was said to have operated a number of medical clinics in the townships of South Africa (where black resided), even though he was not a medical doctor and had a concerningly strong interest in AIDS. People were led to believe that they were receiving assistance from helpers, when really the inoculations were the proverbial trojan horse that brought the issues that they were claimed to solve. If this sounds familiar, you’re likely thinking about the polio vaccine.
But, typically, vaccines have long featured in the depopulation agenda because they were presented as a necessary panacea and preventative measure against illnesses in society. People trusted the pseudo-science backing vaccines, while those presenting themselves as helpers manipulated this trust to introduce the vaccines with which they execute the depopulation agenda. For instance, recently, we discussed the expository Pfixer Papers. American author and journalist Naomi Wolf, along with independent researchers brought a body of work titled the Pfizer Papers, looking at Pfizer’s crimes against humanity. The body of work features new reports which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. They show that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed and that the pharmaceutical company knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective. THEN, the reports detail vaccine-induced harms throughout the human body, INCLUDING TO THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM; they also show that women suffered vaccine-related adverse events at a 3:1 ratio; expose that vaccine-induced myocarditis is not rare, mild, or transient; and, shockingly, demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines have created a new category of multi-system, multi-organ disease, which is being called “CoVax Disease.”
Naomi Wolf proceeded to detail the diabolical extent that Pfizer targeted the reproductive function of the human body. She states, for example, that they knew they were blocking women’s ovaries with lipid nanoparticles, they knew the lipid nanoparticles traverse the placenta. Furthermore, Pfizer KNEW there’s something with the biological seed of vaccinated men that is possibly dangerous to women or foetuses because Pfizer warned vaccinated men not to have intercourse with childbearing age women and that if they do, they ought to use 2 reliable forms of contraception.
BUT, make no mistake: as far as vaccines are concerned in the depopulation agenda, there are people who serve as enablers of this agenda! For instance, the Pfizer Papers also make it clear that the US Food and Drug Administration knew about the shortfalls of Pfizer’s clinical trial as well as the harms caused by the company’s mRNA COVID vaccine product, thus highlighting the FDA’s abject failure to fulfil its mission to “[protect] the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices.” However, this failure on the part of the FDA is not news – it is certainly a concern because the FDA is supposed to be a regulatory body that protects consumers from exploitative companies – but, it is not news.
In fact, we’ve discussed a number of times here, on The War Room, that the FDA is objectively corrupt. In reference to the opioid crisis, for example, it became apparent that the opioid industry provided much of FDA’s income through the fees it paid for drug approvals; and this relationship between the opioid industry and the FDA was closer than many thought healthy – including some of the people working for the FDA itself, who stated that it was in the pocket of big pharma.
But, overall, in light of its role as an enabler of the mass murders, the Pfizer Papers offers an in-depth look at how Big Pharma, the US government, and healthcare entities stand protected behind the broad legal immunity provided by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) when creating, prescribing, and administering vaccines; and, under that shield of protection, do what is best for their bottom lines rather than for the health and well-being of Americans. You’d recall that we even recently discussed how the Vermont Supreme Court used the same PREP Act to immunise the federal government against children’s rights, when the court ruled that the government can vaccinate children without parental consent or legal recourse under some circumstances!
All of this is made even more apparent because of investigations into Pfizer’s lack of data integrity in the vaccine trial. But, frankly, there was a great deal of evidence to this fact. The primary reason it was not always widely known is because Pfizer has a culture of dismissing or silencing whistleblowers; there was even a case that we once looked at.
But, as far as enablers go, it does not stop with federal institutions like the FDA. Unfortunately, in the US, the government was also coerced into exempting vaccine manufacturers from liability by giving pharmaceutical companies immunity. BUT, what is even more disturbing is that this was based on the fact that pharmaceutical companies themselves stated that vaccines create SO MANY PROBLEMS that there is no way they could produce them and be profitable? Really, how was this not the basis upon which pharmaceutical companies were placed under stricter oversight?!
In addition to certain officials in the US government, you’d also recall that Bill Gates has openly articulated his belief the world needs billions less people. Everything he does, supports, and funds, actively promotes achieving his psychotic death wish for those he considers useless eaters. In fact, Gates even funded Event 201 in October 2019, laying out the master plan for the Covid plandemic, while at the same time funding the vaccines for a disease that supposedly didn’t exist yet. Of course, he was also front and centre in pushing billions across the globe to be injected with this untested toxic DNA altering concoction. It is now unequivocally provable these vaccines killed millions immediately, millions more slowly and methodically, and stopped millions more from ever being born by drastically altering the fertility of young people who had ZERO risk from covid, but were forced to be injected by the authorities and their bought off lackeys. And this is actually common with many vaccines, as the President of Loveworld Incorporated has warned.
But, we have surely prayed, and continue to pray. They will live in our world, and we will not live in theirs. AND, when we make the agenda of the adversary plain, the veil of deception is indeed being broken – in fact, Proverbs 11:9 tells us that “…through knowledge shall the just be delivered.”
Written By Lindokuhle Mabaso