Democrats and the Suspension of Article II of the U.S. Constitution: An Examination

In the 100s BC, there was widespread discontent with the elites. The oligarchic establishment was getting rich. Forever Wars, Petty plundering, government contracts, foreign bribes, importing cheap labor. Inequality skyrocketed. The Gracchi Brothers were the first to try to do something about it, in the previous generation. But the greatest of the dissident populists was general Gaius Marius – 6 times consul by 100BC. He used the Gracchi’s playbook: leverage discontent, bend the rules through plebiscites. Marius finally ended the forever wars, conquering Jugurtha, & the Cimbri in huge conflicts. By the late 90s, however, Rome’s allies, the Italians, were demanding voting rights & citizenship. Arguably, they deserved it – they’d shed much blood in Rome’s wars. That’s one important difference w/ the US situation. Marius saw opportunity in these new potential citizens. Marius’ rationale.
Whoever grants citizenship to 100,000s of non-citizens will get a permanent 100,000s-strong voting block. If you struggle to get enough votes in the elections, just IMPORT new voters loyal to you. Every serious Roman saw what was at stake. But in 91, Roman establishment elites outmaneuvered Roman populists like Marius. The nobles tried to co-opt the Italian Allies by offering them citizenship. Livius Drusus was the aristocrat pushing this. Unfortunately, he was murdered. Why murder Drusus? Maybe the Italians deserved citizenship, but this would massively alter the electoral map, & disadvantage poorer Romans plus many elites too. Many fine speeches were made about these good, deserving men. But again, serious people knew the real stakes.
Allow me to pause a question to those who happen to believe that Donald Trump poses a grave threat to democracy. My question: Do you believe that America is currently living in a democracy as defined by the Articles of the U.S. Constitution for representative government? If your answer is yes, then who is currently holding the executive power as defined by Article II? To understand what I mean, let’s review two key passages of Article II. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President.
After the first presidential debate on June 27, the Democrats declared that President Biden is not fit to stand for a second term, which means that he is unable to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office. Nevertheless, the Powers and Duties of the Office did not devolve to the Vice President, though she was anointed to be the Democrats’ candidate for the election scheduled to take place four months later. In a world as tumultuous as ours, a lot can happen in four months. And yet, during this entire span of time, no one has been able to answer the question: In whom is executive power currently vested? Thus, it seems to me that democracy in America has already been suspended. Far from posing “a threat to democracy,” Donald Trump is currently our only realistic hope for restoring our representative government (as defined by Article II). The US seems to be more concerned with the election processes of other nations rather than focusing on the grave irregularities in its own backyard.
Fraudulent voter registrations
Large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme busted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc. They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties. District Attorney Heather Adams revealed that the applications came from canvassers who were paid to obtain voter registrations. If you listen closely, the DA says the Clerk received the applications at or near the deadline to register to vote. That means the bad actors waited till the last minute so no one would notice. They would’ve used the fraudulent applications to commit mail-in ballot fraud without getting caught.
A repeat of the fraudulent 2020 election
FBI covered up Democrat organization called GBI Strategies. Employee turns in almost 10k fraud registrations in one day. This same scheme was discovered in Michigan during the 2020 election. Police caught a Democrat organization called GBI Strategies pulling it off after one of their employees turned in almost 10k fraud registrations in ONE DAY. The FBI covered it up.
Ballot drop boxes with completed votes set on fire
Ballots set on fire in three states as Election Day approaches. Ballots are being set on fire and damaged in two ballot drop boxes and a Postal Service mailbox in three states. In Oregon, Portland police responded to a fire they say was started by “an incendiary device” inside a ballot drop box. Oregon’s Multnomah County Elections Division said that three ballots were damaged. Clark County Auditor Greg Kimsey said that the majority of the ballots were completely destroyed and the remaining ballots severely damaged. He said his office is increasing the number of drop box retrievals so that ballots don’t sit in the boxes as long. Hours later, another drop box was set on fire in nearby Vancouver, Washington, where officials say “hundreds” of ballots were badly damaged when that box’s fire suppression system failed to work. At a press conference, Portland police officials said they believed the two incidents are connected.
Now let’s do an analysis of what was and what could be, especially with Karmala Harris as POTUS…what a nightmare. For those unfamiliar with the Cuban Missile Crisis, the National Archives provides a succinct summary. At the height of the Cold War, for two weeks in October 1962, the world teetered on the edge of thermonuclear war. Earlier that fall, the Soviet Union, under orders from Premier Nikita Khrushchev, began to secretly deploy a nuclear strike force in Cuba, just 90 miles from the United States. President John F. Kennedy said the missiles would not be tolerated and insisted on their removal. Khrushchev refused. The standoff nearly caused a nuclear exchange and is remembered in this country as the Cuban Missile Crisis. For 13 agonizing days from October 16 through October 28 the United States and the Soviet Union stood on the brink of nuclear war. The peaceful resolution of the crisis with the Soviets is considered to be one of Kennedy’s greatest achievements.
During the crisis, Air Force General Curtis LeMay tried to goad President Kennedy into bombing the missile sites in Cuba. LeMay believed that a massive display of US force would force the Soviets to capitulate. Kennedy and his brother Robert opted for a more cautious approach and ultimately struck a deal with the Soviets to remove the American Jupiter Missiles from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets removing their missiles from Cuba. President Kennedy had the intelligence, prudence, and confidence to say no to General LeMay. Two years after the crisis, Stanley Kubrick released Dr. Strangelove, a dark satire of nuclear brinkmanship. As insane as the film may seem, it’s extraordinary dramatic and comic effect is achieved because it closely resembles the insanity of now ruling class in Washington.
For decades, a lot of us have watched the U.S. government blunder from one misadventure to another, with the rulers making wild assumptions and gambles, expressing a persistent lack of accountability, rarely if ever performing serious risk-benefit analyses, and showing reckless disregard for the health and security of their people, I mean just look at Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. Whenever one of their schemes goes wrong, the ruling class acts surprised by the unforeseen outcome. Now, imagine Kamala Harris finds herself in the crucible of a nuclear crisis similar to the Cuban Missile Crisis, we currently have Russia and the global NATO. A terrifying vision derived from scenes in Dr. Strangelove, only with Harris playing the role of POTUS. Question that everyone should be asking namely, if it comes to an existential crisis that requires exceptional intellect, judgement, and prudence to resolve, will Kamala Harris be up for the task?
Written By Yvonne Katsande