Canada’s Fast Track to Death: Euthanasia Approved Years in Advance

Canada has emerged as the leader in legalising assisted dying. The province of Quebec is pushing the boundaries even further with a new law. This legislation allows residents to apply for euthanasia well in advance of their terminal illness reaching its final stages. The law takes advantage that some patients may eventually lose the ability to give consent. As a result, Quebec permits individuals to pre-approve a lethal injection months or even years before it is actually given. This raises significant ethical concerns. Canada has long been known for its commitment to universal healthcare. Now, with this move towards what some are calling “universal deathcare,” the nation is facing a complex dilemma. The implied offer of compassion and choice will definitely lead to a troubling slippery slope. There is a danger that the focus is shifting from patient care to the convenience of ending life.
In a country where people often endure lengthy waiting lists for essential medical treatments, it appears that the state is quicker to provide a means to die than a means to heal. This raises pressing questions about the motivations behind the move toward euthanasia. Is the goal truly about preserving dignity, or is it more about reducing healthcare costs? The statistics are being manipulated to suggest a progressive trend, but a closer look reveals a worrying reality. Life can start to feel devalued when efficiency becomes the priority of the state. At the same time, the same authorities that advocated for vaccination during a health crisis are now presenting euthanasia as a solution. The same death cult that told you to get vaccinated is now telling you that euthanasia is the answer. Think about that.
Countries that allow euthanasia
In 2002, the Netherlands and Belgium became the first countries in the world to legalize euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide, followed by Luxembourg, Colombia, Canada, Spain, New Zealand, most of Australia’s states, Austria, and most recently, Portugal and Ecuador. Switzerland has allowed passive assisted suicide since the 1940s, although active, doctor-assisted euthanasia is illegal. Assisted dying is not to be confused with passive euthanasia (i.e. refusal of treatment or withdrawal from life support), which is legal in most of Europe, North and South America, and a sprinkling of countries in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
How euthanasia laws become more liberal
Belgium’s 2002 Euthanasia Act originally allowed assisted suicide for adults facing “unbearable suffering.” In 2013, it was extended to terminally ill children with parental consent. In Colombia, the decriminalization of euthanasia for adults in 2014 led to the practice being approved for children as young as six – and without parental consent after age 14, in 2018. In 2022, Colombia decriminalized assisted suicide for non-terminally ill people suffering from “severe health conditions.” In Canada, Justin Trudeau’s Liberals passed doctor-assisted suicide legislation in 2016 for terminally ill mentally competent adults. It was expanded in 2021 to include incurable illnesses, and in 2023, plans to include mental illness were delayed until 2027. In 2021, a story in New Zealand revealed that COVID-19 patients deemed terminally ill qualified for euthanasia under the 2019 End of Life Choice Act. Local anti-euthanasia campaigners said the story highlighted “the lax nature of the already existing qualifying criteria” for assisted suicide procedures.
Euthanasia is Lucrative business
In Switzerland and Belgium, assisted dying has apparently become a lucrative business, with foreigners traveling to the countries in droves. In 2020 alone, Dignitas, a non-profit Swiss clinic, counted 3,248 assisted suicide cases, most of them foreigners. Belgium, where assisted dying can only be performed by doctors, was dubbed the world’s “euthanasia capital” by Forbes in 2019, and allows qualified applicants to be euthanized for about $3,500.
In Canada, lobbying promoting assisted dying has taken an ugly turn, with a 2017 Canadian Medical Association Journal report touting how up to $136.8 million CAD could be saved annually on health care costs through euthanasia. The passage of the ‘Medical Assistance in Dying’ (MAiD) program has also resulted in a dramatic surge in assisted suicide deaths, from 1,018 in 2016 to 13,241 in 2022 – accounting for over 4% of all deaths in Canada that year. A year ago, Health Minister Mark Holland announced the government needed more time before it could expand “medical assistance in dying” to include people who are suffering from mental illnesses, but it’s still in the works. The government was originally planning to expand the euthanasia project on March 17, 2024.
In 2009 British psychotherapist and author Colin Feltham penned a shocking op-ed in The Guardian where he argued that “there are good reasons for arguing that a stabilization or gradual reduction in population would be the best way to address the carbon emissions problem,” and that assisted dying programs were one possible way to do so.
Who’s funding pro-euthanasia propaganda?
In 1998, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations published a ‘Project on Death in America’ report, detailing hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to Dartmouth College, Stanford, Staten Island University Hospital and other academic, medical and cultural institutions for research, education and public policy discussions about death, including physician-assisted suicide, which Soros hoped might “influence the culture of dying” in America. After shelling out $45 million in grants, the project closed in 2003 after being deemed to have “completed all grantmaking.” In March 2024, US lawmakers grilled Pfizer after discovering links between the pharmaceuticals giant and Dying with Dignity Canada, the lobbying group “owning the conversation around assisted deaths” in Canada, with media discovering that Pfizer makes three of the lethal drugs recommended by the MAiD program for assisted deaths. Other donors included Google, United Way, and the San Diego chapter of the Hemlock Society – a right-to-die advocacy group that George Soros’ mother Elizabeth was a member of. In the UK, the pro-euthanasia lobby has reportedly received a sympathetic ear from the publicly-funded BBC, and consists of a series of partisan nonprofits funded by little-known groups like the AB Charitable Trust – created in 1990 by former hedge fund manager Yves Bonavero and his wife, which seems to be involved in backing an array of assisted dying lobbying groups, including the Citizens Jury, Humanists UK and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
Their goal is depopulation
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink explains how the real goal of depopulation (Covid19, Midazolam, Remdesivir, “vaccines”, euthanasia, abortion, Ukraine war, Gaza genocide, assisted dying) is to make it easier to substitute humans with machines.
Who promotes euthanasia and why?
The origins of the modern right-to-die movement can be traced back to the Club of Rome’s liberal humanist agenda and concerns about overpopulation and climate change began presenting assisted dying as a humane way to end suffering. More recently, the World Economic Forum has taken up the euthanasia agenda, actively discussing it since at least 2009.
Written By Tatenda BElle Panashe