Are Globalist Organizations Pushing 15-Minute Cities on Americans?

The Los Angeles wildfires have sparked numerous theories about their origins, ranging from political blame games to far-fetched ideas. On of which is whether the federal government uses directed energy weapons (DEW)? Some online users have suggested that DEWs were used to ignite the wildfires, citing unusual destruction patterns, such as intact palm trees standing amidst completely destroyed vehicles and homes. Of particular interest is satellite imagery that shows how three fires started simultaneously in three distant locations, meaning they couldn’t have been natural. These anomalies have fuelled the realisation that these fires could very well have been were deliberately started by globalists to undermine livelihoods, erode national identities, and pave the way for a one-world government. So, are globalist organizations enforcing 15-minute cities on Americans? A subset of the DEW theory proposes a more pragmatic motive: corporate liberals seeking to clear the land and redesign the affected areas into “15-minute cities.” This urban planning concept aims to reduce car use and frivolous carbon emissions by ensuring that all daily necessities are within a 15-minute walk.
Los Angeles is a C40 city
But all this is valid because Los Angeles is a C40 city? A C40 City is a member of the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, a global network of cities committed to addressing climate change. The common theme with these cities is that they will be wrecked by natural disasters such as floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tornados or any other event. Only then can they be built up again to be turned into open air prisons.
C40 Cities Organization and its “Green” Globalist Agenda
C40 Cities is a coalition of billionaires, non-government organizations (NGOs), foundations, banks, governments, and businesses collaborating on raising climate ambition, influencing the global agenda, building a movement and scaling up climate action. Approximately 100 cities around the world have climbed aboard the C40 Cities bandwagon, including numerous U.S. cities led mostly by left-leaning mayors. Prominent supporters include figures like Bloomberg, Clinton, and Soros. Michael Bloomberg serves as C40’s President. The rest of the board and steering committee includes a small number of international elites focused on limiting your choices about energy, living conditions, lifestyle, and food. They are eager to push their global agenda for total control.
C40 Cities is another dystopian manifestation of the green, globalist agenda
C40 Cities is another dystopian manifestation of the green, globalist agenda being forced upon the citizens of the world by a number of mostly non-elected entities. According to the C40 Cities website, their group is “a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities who are united in action to confront the climate crisis” as they define it. Although the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) are unelected, they have undue influence over the leaders of numerous nations. The C40 Cities plan is being championed by elected mayors of numerous major cities around the globe without affording their constituents an opportunity to vote on its implementation. A C40 Cities generated report titled “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5*C World” claims that the world will be destroyed unless global temperature increases are limited to the arbitrarily determined 1.5 degrees Celsius, which is the equivalent of 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit.
Origins of C40 Cities and its Metastasis
The original concept behind C40 Cities is credited to Carlos Moreno, a professor at Sorbonne University in Paris. His “Digital and Sustainable City” concept was introduced in 2006, and was followed by several additional iterations before his “15-Minute City” concept was revealed in 2016. This concept is being touted for its supposed sustainability, and for the “convenience” and “timesaving” features it supposedly creates for citizens. In 2005, then-mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, introduced the C40 Cities concept and convened the leaders of 18 major cities around the globe to form an agreement to cooperatively reduce climate pollution. Not to be left out, a “me too” movement led to 22 additional mayors joining by 2006, hence the moniker C40 Cities. Among the 40 are 14 United States cities, including Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington DC, Seattle, and Los Angeles. C40 Cities supporters celebrated President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which offered up $369 billion for projects just like theirs. The administration has openly admitted that it is “the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in history.” How novel, the federal government is spending taxpayer-generated dollars to ultimately control the population in the name of climate change.
C40 Cities Makes Political Prisoners of Citizens
The C40 Cities agenda aligns completely with the goals of the UN and WEF and would essentially make political prisoners of the citizens living in the participating cities. The stated goals include controlling what citizens eat, where and when they travel, and even what they wear, all part of the crusade for combating climate change. C40’s numerous financial supporters include Google, the Clinton Foundation, the World Bank, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the German Federal Ministry, IKEA, Climateworks Foundation, FedEx, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Considering the “climate crisis” aspect of human-caused climate change is increasingly being challenged by science, facts, truth and logic, it is becoming obvious the entire climate change agenda is about controlling people. A C40 Cities September 2023 press release stated: “Global mayors lead the way to a fossil free future.” The problem is that the technology and infrastructure necessary to replace fossil fuels on a national, much less global, scale do not yet exist, and aren’t likely to exist for decades, if ever. Some central goals of C40 Cities include, Eliminating meat and dairy products as well as actively limiting individual diets to 2,500 calories per day; Banning private car ownership by 2030; Regulating the frequency and distance of air travel by limiting people to one flight less than 1,500km (about 930 miles) every three years; Restricting each citizen to only three new items of clothing purchased each year.
Control of populations in this way would very likely be implemented via social credit scores tied to central banking digital currencies (CBDC), in a system nearly identical to that of communist China. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is currently exploring such a system for possible implementation in America. It’s important to note that China also uses a system of approximately 600 million closed-circuit cameras, through which people can be identified by face and gait. Citizens’ ability to buy, sell, and travel can be limited this way, even when they are paying with cash.
The C40 Cities “Planetary Health Diet”
The C40 Cities website boasts that its cities “commit to sustainable food policies that will address the global climate emergency.” They arbitrarily claim that their “Planetary Health Diet” could save 11 million lives annually if adopted universally, which is a questionable claim at best. They claim that the “global food system is out of balance… [and that] more than 820 million people suffer from hunger, while many more eat too much and/or eat an unhealthy diet that contributes to premature death and rising healthcare costs.” C40 Cities doesn’t have a plan to reduce world hunger, yet it has a plan to entirely control what their “subjects” (serfs) are permitted to eat. C40’s Planetary Health Diet is based on two repeatedly debunked suppositions. First, food production is a major source of man-made climate change, and second, meat and dairy in personal diets are unhealthy. The C40 Cities website refers to “the over-consumption of meat, a major driver of greenhouse gas emissions.” However, a 2016 EPA report showed that ALL agriculture contributes only 9% of greenhouse gas globally, with the entirety of animal agriculture contributing only 3.9% to total emissions. C40 Cities has stated that reducing “consumption-based emissions will require significant behavioral changes,” but it is more discreet about the manner in which those changes might be made. The fact is that most people do not want to limit, much less give up, meat and dairy products in their diets. In fact, merely 1% of the global population identifies as vegan. Enter bioengineering into the equation.
The fact that mayors of C40 Cities did not put the measure to a vote illustrates the forced, insidious, nature of the overall “green” agenda. As the truth about what’s actually being planned comes to light, it’s obvious the well-being of mankind is not a consideration, no matter how pretty a picture is painted by C40 Cities talking points.
L.A Fires: The C40 Smart City Vision and Urban Transformation
There is a growing realization that California’s crises aren’t mere accidents of nature, they’re the inevitable result of the globalist green agenda racket. Under the banner of “climate justice,” government officials and influential elites have undermined effective forest management and poorly managed vital water resources. They allow their ideological beliefs to overshadow the urgent need to protect both the environment and the people who depend on it. This situation raises troubling questions about the true intentions behind these policies. It appears that the aim may not be to save California. Instead, there seems to be a plan to dismantle its core—turning the state into a hollow shell. This sacrifice seems to serve a broader agenda that values ideology over tangible results. As a result, the very forests that are essential to California’s ecosystem are left vulnerable, while the state’s residents suffer from misguided policies that prioritize political correctness over practical solutions.
C40 Cities are about Global Control
Los Angeles is among many cities whose leaders have joined the global C40 Cities initiative. This initiative serves as a cover for promoting the United Nations and global elites’ agenda to reshape urban areas, claiming to fight against the so-called “climate change” crisis. Disguised in grand language, this movement aims to tackle environmental problems while altering city life to fit a misguided vision. Remarkably, cities worldwide are signing up for this initiative, raising concerns about who is really making these choices and whether they truly serve the public interest. So, in these cities, they’re moving the people out to make way for those smart cities. This movement, involving cities from every corner of the globe, raises serious questions about the true motives behind such international collaborations, suggesting a broader agenda of control rather than genuine environmental concern. It’s not a conspiracy theory. There is a conspiracy.
Written By Tatenda Belle Panashe