Alfred Kinsey: The Man Who Paved The Way For Child Sexualisation

And now onto our first question, being how did Alfred Kinsey pave the way for child sexualisation? This brings us to a discussion of the actual reputation of misguidedly celebrated sex scientist Alfred C. Kinsey, who was unmasked as a fraud and pervert of the worst sort back in 1990. That was when Judith Reisman, Ph.D., and her colleagues released the books which outline how leftists used Mr. Kinsey’s research to weaken laws against pornography, rape and child molestation and pave the way for the Roe v. Wade ruling legalising abortion. The extent of the evil work that Afred Kinsey was engaged in is jarring.
First, Ms Reisman, proved that Mr. Kinsey was anything but scientific. He bribed test subjects, many of them prison inmates who told him what he wanted to hear. He fudged data. He forced his own staff to have sexual relations with each other’s wives and between men and men – and had it filmed. But, and really worst of all, he conducted or procured monstrous experiments on children. Graph Table 34 in his 1948 book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” quantifies sexual gratification in boys from five months of age to 10 years of age. One four-year-old had this so-called study or observation conducted on him in a 24-hour period. This essentially indicates the “researcher” (to put it mildly) molested the child around the clock. And it wasn;t just one child abused in this study: the book reveals experiments on a boy aged 12 years, and another aged 11 years.
From this data, Alfred Kinsey then formulated his theories about so-called “normal” childhood sexuality, promoting the view that children were “sexual beings” who deserved to sexually interact with adults at early ages – essentially waging a war on the innocence of children, and attempting to dilute the inherent evil that is child rape! Then, Kinsey’s other so-called “research” provided the alleged “scientific” foundation for the sexual revolution (so to speak) that has metastasised into a pornified internet, Drag Queen Story Hours for children, gender confusion, sexual mutilation and “pride” in every sexual aberration under the sun. Which is why, while we cannot say (at least based on the lack of data) that every gay man is a paedophile, we can however deduce from numerous occurrences in society that a lot of paedophiles do, however, have homosexual tendencies, seen with the prevalence of the abuse of young boys or men. We saw this for example, with the Abercrombie & Fitch scandal, and even the Sean Diddy Combs scandal.
This brings us to the second question in our discussion, being what has been the Kinsey-effect on society? In light of what Kinsey has contributed through his secual-abuse based so-called studies, he also contributed to a deterioration of morality and health in society. For instance, if you want to know why sexually transmitted infections, of which there were two (syphilis and gonorrhea) in the 1950s, exploded into more than 30 diseases and millions of cases annually, look no further than Kinsey’s social impact. Secondly, he also had the social impact of promoting the false idea that America in the ‘40s was awash in sexual experimentation; that many wives had affairs; 10% of adult males were homosexual for at least three years, and that abortion was widely practiced and a human right. He even advocated humans having sexual relations with animals, calling moral objections the result of “superstition.”
Furthermore, Kinsey hated Christianity, spending his entire life trying to get back at his Methodist family, especially his father. According to Joseph Epstein, Kinsey was so enamored of his hedonistic beliefs that he blamed Christianity, not libertinism, for the breakdown of the modern family. Furthermore, he labeled celibacy, delayed marriage and asceticism as “cultural perversions,” but not pederasty.
But, it does not even stop there: Kinsey also released a volume on female sexuality in 1953 and partnered with Planned Parenthood Medical Director Mary Calderone to create sex education curricula. They spread the diabolical teachings of unrestrained sex of all kinds at earlier and earlier ages. In fact, Hugh Hefner even said that Kinsey’s findings inspired him to launch Playboy magazine in 1954. This, along with liberal court rulings, ignited an explosion in pornography and legal assaults on marriage-based sexual morality. Interestingly, this is the history that planned parenthood conveniently does not make apparent about the inspiration of their origins, much like how they have tried to distance themselves in the recent past from Margaret Sanger. However, you do get to understand better why liberal notions and supports of abortion – and Planned Parenthood – are so diabolical on principle and practice.
Finally, we will address the question of the importance of exposing Kinsey’s nature in the status quo? So, why do we need to revisit this history? Because the impact of Kinsey’s writings and practices are the reason for a number of the evils we see today. ANd often, when people know more about the original intent of a practice or phenomenon, they are better able to adjudicate the extent to which they ought to support it in the present – especially where said practice and phenomenon is detrimental. It is for the same reason, I will never be a feminist, or an advocate of the WHO, euthanasia and climate engineering, for example.
Secondly, it is important to expose this history because there is a propensity to normalise and even sensationalise paedophilia in society – including the sanitisation of Alfred Kinsey’s image. For example, in 2004, a film came out about Kinsey, which was really an air-brushed biopic film. The Wall Street Journal also ran a half-page lifestyle article on sexual fantasies, with a laudatory history of Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute with no mention of scandal. Furthermore, On September 8th, in 2022, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University unveiled a bronze statue of Mr. Kinsey, who taught there and operated his sex institute with start-up money from (guess who?) the Rockefeller Foundation.
And it does not stop with Kinsey himself: today, there are organisations and institutes who disguise themselves as advocates for child rights, while serving the interests of paedophiles, including the call to stop the use of the word paedophile, and rather calling paedophiles the more euphemistic “minor attracted persons” or MAPs.
To this day, many paedophiles, LGBT and abortion activists, and so-called intellectuals celebrate Kinsey. Some do this in ignorance of his true reputation, but their ignorance is still a danger to society, because of the detrimental impact Kinsey’s work has had. But, those who know about it and still defend him have revealed the extent of their moral decadence.
Excerpt from War Room by Written Lindokuhle Mabaso