A Verdict Against Chiquita’s Impunity in Colombia: Wanda Sigagayi Reports

A Verdict Against Chiquita’s Impunity in Colombia: Wanda Sigagayi Reports

Loveworld / 1 hour

August 13, 2024

1 min read

Chiquita, one of the United States’ and the world’s biggest fruit companies, has finally been charged in a Florida court for its links to a terrorist organization. That Chiquita would associate with a terrorist organization in recent decades should come as no surprise given their long history of violence in Colombia and the wider region.
A noteworthy illustration of their belligerency in the region is their role in the coup d’etat against Guatemala’s former president Jacobo Árbenz, a progressive pushing for relatively moderate land reforms in the early 1950s. Reminiscent of the violence meted out upon the resisting communities during the colonial period, the AUC, the terrorist group that Chiquita helped to finance between 1997 and 2004, was known to torture, maim, and murder their victims — except rather than swords, the signature instrument was the chainsaw, leaving behind severed heads and body parts in public spaces as a message to others.
Ln24 Wanda Sigagayi reports:

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