Tulsi Gabbard’s Confirmation Hearing, and the War Against Corruption in US Intelligence

Well, Robert Kennedy Jr’s confirmation hearing has not been the only one to draw much attention and interest in the United States, but even world over. The confirmation hearing of Tulsi Gabbard is in fact yet another critical one to follow. And the reason is primarily found in the factual observation that for years now, there has been a notable and concerning trajectory in American intelligence: which is that it moved from operating under the auspices of the president of the United States, to becoming and industry or complex of semi-autonomous agencies that serve private interests disguised as American foreign policy – of course, at times the actions of these agencies were consistent American foreign policy at the time.
However, worse of all, is that American intelligence has also become weaponised against Americans themselves – which meant that not only was American intelligence potentially failing to meet the requisite bar of transparency and accountability, but it was now also a liability to the people it was meant to serve. Now, I should state that today’s discussion will largely be on establishing context, because Tulsi Gabbard’s confirmation hearing is just one part in the war against corruption in US intelligence.
And now onto our main discussion regarding ‘Tulsi Gabbard’s Confirmation Hearing, and the War on Corruption in US Intelligence’; nad the first thing we ought to establish the context that this confirmation hearing takes place in, which is primarily a status quo where there is a lack or adequate accountability directed towards intelligence organisations. Key to note in all of this is that knowledge is (indeed) power while secret knowledge in the intelligence community has the potential to become a conduit for control. Even fake knowledge has the means to become a conduit for power grabs and attempts at control, such as we found out in the phony Russiagate investigation early in Trump’s term. They hounded the new administration for years under a completely fake scenario in which Russia somehow got Donald Trump elected. That was actually an intelligence operation all along, one directly designed to overthrow an election, a “color revolution” on our own soil.
So, how dare an agency not elected by the people, and evading oversight and public accountability, put itself ahead of the Constitution and the rule of law? Well, because it has been going on for many decades as the agencies have gained ever more power, even to the point of forcing a full lockdown of America and even the world under false pretense. Of course, none of this is verifiable precisely because of the secrecy involved. But, despite the secrecy, here’s one jarring fact: intelligence organisations have fallen short of the requisite standard of accountability.
Intelligence organisations in the past have seldom come under fire or been held accountable for the numerous ills they orchestrated or fuelled in society. This is in part because, often, there are deliberate efforts they put in place to keep certain occurrences from being reported in the news, or and even efforts that influence how a phenomena or story is perceived. But this is not even the gist of what is inherently wrong with intelligence agencies or organisations. What we are seeing today are organisations of unelected officials, who are sanctioned to act in unlawful and – at times – treasonous ways in the pretentious guise of serving the nation. What we are also seeing today are intelligence organisations that have become a political weapon that undermines the institutions in their respective nations and also nations abroad – especially through destabilising covert operations.
But, perhaps the initial goal was indeed to have individuals assume different and covert personalities while pushing the national interests of their countries for the good of the citizens they should serve. However, today these intelligence organisations have become a threat to the public they were meant to assist the government to serve – all while the public does not elect them, and does not have the ability to hold them directly accountable. In fact, even the governments that these agencies are supposed to answer to do not always have the impetus to prosecute agents for their diabolical conduct – in part because the respective governments sanction this conduct, but also because officials of government tend to prioritise their personal and political interests. For instance, when senate documents came out detailing CIA human rights abuses in previous administrations, Barack Obama never held the responsible parties accountable – despite the ample and concerning evidence. He argued that, given the people implicated, to prosecute the CIA agenda and government officials implicated would seem like a partisan witch-hunt. But, when you look beyond his sentiments, you also appreciate that this was a means of protecting himself and his administration, in light of their human rights abuses.
But, in addition to this apparent lack of adequate accountability, intelligence bodies are also in the midst of a severe crisis. More specifically, intelligence organisations have been used, or perhaps have allowed themselves to be used, as a tool of political destruction, against some of the same citizens they were created to protect; especially in reference to the continuing “Wiretapgate” debacle, where we are seeing the widespread abuse of intelligence by incumbent administrations to target their political opposition. Now, the danger of politicisation is widely accepted throughout the intelligence community as the greatest hazard, in theory, to the intelligence profession. If an intel service cannot be accepted as an unbiased arbiter, it loses the trust of its people, and risks becoming irrelevant and unheeded. History is littered with intel failures; one need only look to the invasion of Iraq to see how politicisation can lead to costly failure and a “trust gap” that can take years to bridge and resolve.
However, it has become clear to the public that intelligence leadership learned long ago to stop listening to its own philosophy on truth and a lack of politicisation. For instance, today in the US, politicisation and political correctness walk hand in hand throughout the intelligence community, as well as every other government agency. The political correctness mindset that now dominates every college campus is also positioned firmly throughout the government — particularly within the intelligence community, which saw its greatest personnel influx ever in the post-9/11 period. This, of course, means that those individuals who joined in this period were raised under the Bush administration and reached professional maturity primarily under the Obama administration, in which they were immersed in a political correctness environment.
In fact, you would recall watching Evelyn Farkas admit on live television that the Obama administration wanted the intelligence community to “get as much information as you can” before Donald Trump took office resembles some sort of social science experiment gone bad — and it frames the problems wrought by political correctness and the subsequent political brainwashing. And so, with Evelyn Farkas, we saw a mid-level official, permanently dwelling in a bubble of progressive liberalism, acknowledged being complicit in the breaking of US ethics rules and perhaps law — because, as she explained, that’s what they needed to do, seemingly because Donals Trump was a conservative candidate and a stark contrast to the politically correct dispensation she knew. But, have a listen to Evelyn Farkas in 2017, in the television appearance in question.
But, this political manipulation was not a pilot of the US government’s efforts to manipulate their population. In fact years prior, the CIA literally doped the American public! And so, while some have largely portrayed this history of the CIA as a conspiracy theory, Project MKUltra, is anything but a conspiracy or a theory. In fact, there are still MKUltra survivors alive and willing to share their stories, as well as a host of highly redacted documents somewhat detailing the experiments of the program.
But, manipulating their own citizens was not the end of especially American intelligence organisations, because they exported these diabolical works to other countries in an effort to destabilise governments in a manner that favour US interests – through covert operations. Covert actions (as distinguished from the covert collection of information) are used to influence political, military, or economic conditions or situations abroad, where it is intended that the role of the US government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly. These might consist of propaganda activities, support to political or military factions within a particular country, technical and logistical resources to favoured governments or political parties within governments, or even actions undertaken to disrupt activities that the US views as illicit or a threat to their interests.
Now, responsibility for carrying out covert actions rests with the CIA, whose Director is charged by the National Security Act of 1947 to “perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President or the National Security Council may direct.” By Executive Order, the CIA alone is specifically authorised to undertake covert actions that are individually authorised by the President, although other departments and agencies may also be directed to undertake or support covert actions as the President may authorise.
Now, a number of witnesses over the years have expressed the view that there is no longer a need for covert action, and that, on balance, it has caused more problems for the United States than it has solved. The US government, they argue, has been frequently embarrassed by such operations and been criticised domestically and abroad as a result. It is also argued that while some covert actions may comprise a lesser part of the intelligence budget, they – however – require a disproportionate share of management and oversight. But, beyond the domestic impact, the covert operations should be seen and rejected for what they are: a weapon against the political institutions and sovereignty of nations.
The question that then emerges is: how then, have intelligence organisations been kept operational, or at least to the extent that they have today? The answer lies at how they operate, which is lies and propaganda! These intelligence organisations are not only part of the effort to manipulate the political inclinations of citizens, but they capitalise this in order to create legitimacy from themselves. They especially do this with public relations media and social media campaigns, which depict them as being aligned to popular left ideals. And so, despite the diabolical operations the have been involved in in their countries and abroad, these campaigns create an image of these organisations as being some “lesser evil” to the unsuspecting or impressionable mind, all because they present as embracing the LGBT agenda and apparently as not xenophobic.
But, this propaganda should not be downplayed in the extent to which it is dangerous. In fact, this propaganda has manifested in and affected the priorities and inclinations in missions that are conducted. In fact, just have a listen as Rep. Jim Jordan challenged a controversial investigation into what the FBI called “Radical Catholics” – signalling (really) a war on Christian values because this was just the tip of the iceberg. Today. Christians who oppose the LGBT agenda, and limits on free-speech are the new extremists.
So, let’s establish why Tulsi Gabbard’s leadership of the Department of National Intelligence has the potential to be a great solution to the issues we’ve just discussed. First, Tulsi Gabbard has been a soldier for over 21 years, and currently serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve. She served as U.S. Representative for Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021 and was the first Samoan-American member of Congress. She started her political career in 2002 when she became the youngest woman elected to the Hawaii state legislature at the age of 21. She also ran as a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries. She then left the Democratic Party in October 2022 to become an independent, before joining the Republican Party in 2024, and served as a pivotal member in president Trump’s campaign, before being nominated for the role of Director of the DNI.
Well, her confirmation as the Director of National Intelligence has the potential to represent a significant shift in the functional tenets and moral grounding of America’s national intelligence. Of course, we’ve just looked retrospectively at the utility of intelligence in the US, in particular the relationship between intelligence bodies and the US government, and how that relationship is riddled with corruption and a lack of adequate accountability. Proof of this is her utility of access to intelligence information (especially as a soldier) to champion calls for accountability. In fact, in 2017 she called out the CIA and Obama for funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS
It actually does not stop here. During Tulsi Gabbard’s confirmation hearing, for the first time, a national US audience heard about one of the greatest NATSEC scandals in the 21st century, as Tulsi Gabbard detailed the CIA’s Op Timber Sycamore, which armed the organisation responsible for 9/11, and ultimately placed it in power in Syria.
Secondly, Tulsi Gabbard represents a threat to the corruption of intelligence bodies altogether. Now, for some context, in the US, during the covid pandemic and before the release of twitter and facebook files, it came out that there was a twitter blacklist used to even suppress distinguished scientists and medical practitioners. Individuals like Dr J. Bhattacharya, who has been on open critic of covid-era deception and a plaintiff in the Murthy v Missouri case opposing the censorship industrial complex in operation in the US – well he was on it, because it was specific people who promulgated an anti-censorship and covid propaganda messages that were put on this black list. All of this is to say there have been significant structural, functional and ethical problems with intelligence in the US. And what we’ve discussed here does not even begin to cover the essence of these problems – especially problems concerning the use of American intelligence against other nations and their citizens. One of such cases that we’ve addressed pertained to Julian Assange’s case, where CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, plotted to kidnap and assassinate the WikiLeaks founder for publishing documents that exposed that the Intelligence Community used taxpayer funds to install bugs in Americans’ Samsung television sets to invade their privacy.
Well, as you’d recall Tulsi Gabbard is actually no stranger to being targeted by intelligence bodies, having been on the receiving end of intelligence targets from the Biden-Harris administration. She was put in a terror list (called the quiet skies lists) after criticising the Biden-Harris administration. This tells us that she has empirical evidence of the issues in US intelligence.
But, of course, it is one thing for her to represent a threat to the corruption of the intelligence complex in the US, and it is another altogether for her to have knowledge of the issues in question, and be resolute in addressing them. Thankfully, her opening remarks at her confirmation hearing shed light on this. Kindly have a listen.
There is a critical opportunity to clean up house as far as US intelligence is concerned. And Tusli Gabbard has the potential to be a conduit through which this crucial work is done. But, as stated earlier, this would be just one part of it all, although certainly a crucial part. But, we have surely prayed, and continue to pray. Therefore, in this glorious Year of Completeness, all satanic and globalist agendas are suspended; they will live in our world, and we will not live in a world curated by the intelligence complex, as we wrap up the Church age. And so, let us keep fighting the good fight of faith, because we have truly already won.