The War on Free Speech; Weather Manipulation; and Malthusian Propaganda

Governments have also zoomed in on social media platforms as an avenue for enforcing censorship policies, and they try to coerce the social media platforms to either have policies that enable censorship; or try to criminalise the protection of free speech on the social media platforms that refuse to comply (such as X, formerly known as Twitter).
This criminalisation interestingly focuses on trying to create a legal basis upon which to launch criminal charges against owners of the social media platforms that are (in fact) protective of free speech, like X. ANd in light of this, you’d recall that Pavel Durov was arrested by the French government, because other people apparently used his platform to commit a crime – although, that was really intended at creating legal precedent, that would one day be used against Elon Musk, as the President of Loveworld Inc., the highly esteemed Rev. Dr Chris Oyakhilome DSc. DSc. DD. had previously revealed .
Among the problems with this war on free speech is that it is based on an unqualified presumption that those who problematise free speech, are absolute moralistic and truthful actors. And yet, history proves this is a DANGEROUS assumption to make: remember, the holocaust, apartheid and slavery were legal – therefore, the government ought never to be used as a metric for morality.
But, even recent history proves that those who claim there’s a problem of disinformation that warrants the limitation of free speech are the actual source of lies! For instance, you were guaranteed to be blocked on platforms like Facebook and Twitter (before Musk bought it), if you even suggested that COVID could not have come from nature or bats in 2020; but now it has been exposed that the COVID virus was a product of gain of function research, and that many government officials and agencies in the US knew about the project long before the virus was leaked at Wuhan.
More specifically, Senator Rand Paul exposed that government officials from 15 federal agencies knew in 2018 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was trying to create a coronavirus like COVID-19. He further states that these officials knew that the Chinese lab was proposing to create a COVID-19-like virus and not one of these officials revealed this scheme to the public. In fact, 15 agencies with knowledge of this project have continuously refused to release any information concerning this alarming and dangerous research, and denied the possibility of a lab created virus and lab leak. They are the dis- and mis-informants they pretentiously warn about!
But, then the question becomes: since not all governments are the same, Is it so bad, if people can only hear and echo the sentiments shared by their government? Emphatically yes! And for a number of reasons. First, in a world where people can only hear and echo the sentiments shared by their government, it means that the media (in particular) effectively becomes the fourth arm of the state, in addition to the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. This is to say that there would be an absolute erosion of journalism and journalistic integrity because the people who are supposed to provide unbiased and well resourced news would be effectively denied the liberty to think critically and speak freely on the conclusions of their research and mind, because all they say and think will be all that is sanctioned by the government.
Secondly, when journalistic integrity is absolutely eroded, it means truth also becomes a construct formulated by the government, and not an absolute, because what is “true” (so to speak), would be what the government says is true. And there would be no widely published contrasting or dissenting narrative to that of the government.
But, then thirdly, it means there is no possibility for free and fair elections. For some context, when people make good decisions, they do so by considering multiple and diverse sources of information. And what is integral to the availability of information, is people enjoying an undisturbed freedom to publish their thoughts and words freely – which means that free speech is iNSTRUMENTAL for the availability of information; make no mistake about it.
Therefore, if free speech is limited or restricted, people will also be denied the opportunity to have access to information that enables them to make an educated decision and choice on anything (really), but especially on who they choose to govern them. This is why Hitler made Nazi Germany burn books that were contrary to his doctrine, and filled schools with propaganda. The purpose was to control information to bolster the false legitimacy of his evil regime. Well, this is exactly why Kamala Harris and Democrats (and – really – the diabolical conglomerates that control them) want to hold Musk criminally liable for what they claim to be lies; they essentially want to control the narrative, eliminate contrasting and dissenting views, and manipulate the discourse around elections.
And now onto another of the critical teachings from the highly esteemed President of Loveworld Inc., which was regarding the weaponisation of cloud seeding and climate or geo engineering. In the course of his teaching, he not only made it very clear that cloud seeding started long ago, but he proceeded to also warn against dismissing cloud seeding or climate engineering as a mere conspiracy theory, even showing the ramifications of its use in Dubai.
If you are already a student of history and a critical observer of the news, you would have appreciated these sentiments and teaching. However, many in the status quo are either bombarded with the so-called news that cloud seeding hasn’t really been utilised in countries like the US, or that these are good inventions that will serve as a response to climate change. For instance, US president Joe Biden, came out to flat out lie and tell Americans that there is no weather modification done in the US, and yet, his predecessors, and many other state officials before him have not only admitted to the use of weather modification as a weapon (including putting it to work in Vietnam, but they even sensationalised the idea.
As expected, the CIA has categorically denied that it practised cloud seeding anywhere except in Vietnam during that time period. Ponte says the Cuban experiment was part of “Project Nile Blue,” carried on officially starting in 1970 by the Pentagon’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (also known as ARPA). Ponte adds that “Nile Blue” was really aimed at “destabilising” weather in the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba, to ruin harvests and create political unrest.
AND there was also “Project Cirrus” two days after clipping Cuba and Florida, a hurricane was drifting out into the Atlantic. All predictions had it remaining at sea without further landfall, making it the perfect test subject for the newly minted Project Cirrus, a U.S. government- backed project bent on discovering a way to disable deadly hurricanes. The researchers planned to seed the hurricane’s clouds with dry ice, hoping that the ice would interact with the clouds and disrupt the cyclone’s internal structure, thus weakening it. So on Oct. 13, 1947, a plane flew over the storm and dumped 80 kilograms of dry ice into the storm’s swirling clouds.
What happened next was a worst case scenario: Instead of dissipating, the storm furiously swung nearly 130 degrees to the west and smashed into Georgia, where it caused $2 million worth of damage. Threats of lawsuits soon followed, with Georgia residents blaming the government for the devastation. Project Cirrus was then allegedly shut down.
But, among the information exposed by the highly esteemed President of Loveworld Inc. is that the justification of the use of these weather modification techniques is climate change; as the proponents claim that weather modification helps with curbing the effects of climate change, which are specifically said to be caused by humans! Well, this is because so much of the so-called climate policy is rooted in the old Malthusian neo-Malthusian worldview that sees human beings as a burden on the earth rather than made in the image of God to be productive and to be good stewards of the earth.
This is why those using weather modification do it so persistently; they see humans as a problem, and a mere casualty in the pursuit of plans to drastically reduce the human population. But, in light of all of this, we were also taught yet again about the weapons of our warfare that are mighty through God, and the power we have to effect changes.

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