The Weaponisation of Hospital Protocols

Hospitals keep emerging as the primary grounds upon which some of the most heinous acts against human health are ironically committed. Not only are medical practitioners sometimes culpable in the harms suffered by patients, while being taught not to apologise because that makes them and the medical facility liable to lawsuits, but there is also the problem with a number of pharmaceutical products that are provided or coerced upon patients that cause them harm. THEN, there is also the issue with hospital protocols: from how the elderly are treated, to how covid hospital protocols created room for the murder of non-vaccinated patients – which is precisely what we ought to address today.
And now onto our main discussion. When we say hospitals have created an avenue to legally kill citizens, many might easy assume this is in reference to euthanasia (or assisted suicide) practises. Unfortunately, it is not. Hospitals have practices in place that have enabled them to harm patients, or perpetuate patient harm without much recourse. This became highlighted (and perhaps even worsened) during the COVID era. More specifically, it’s not just the deaths and issues associated with Remdesivir but other sedatives, drugs, DNRs, lack of food and water, and other issues! In fact, the many people saying that they have lung injuries or so-called “long Covid” can thank these hospital protocols. This is a video of Nurse Nicole Sirotek, who was one of the first people to expose this.
I’d like to highlight the weight of this testimony coming from a nurse. Nurses, especially in a number of first world countries that tend to have a larger ageing population, are experiencing serious, systemic challenges at work. For instance, in the US, the heavy workload of hospital nurses is a major problem for their health care system. Nurses are experiencing higher workloads than ever before due; primarily due to four reasons. The first (1) is the increased demand for nurses, (2) the inadequate supply of nurses, (3) the reduced staffing and increased overtime, and (4) the reduction in patient length of stay.
Regarding the demand for nurses, this demand is increasing as a result of population ageing. For instance, between 2000 and 2020 (alone), the United States population was said to grow by 18 percent (31 million), but the over-65 population, with more health care needs, was said to grow by 54 percent (19 million). Second, the supply of nurses is not adequate to meet the present demands, and the shortage is projected to grow more severe as future demand increases and nursing schools are not able to keep up with the increasing educational demand. When a nursing shortage occurs, the workload increases for those who remain on the job.
Then third, in response to increasing health care costs since the 1990s, hospitals reduced their nursing staffs and implemented mandatory overtime policies to meet unexpectedly high demands, which significantly increased nursing workloads. And then finally, increasing cost pressure forced health care organisations to reduce patient length of stay. As a result, hospital nurses today take care of patients who are sicker than in the past; therefore, their work is more intensive.
But, because nurses are typically the health care practitioners who spend most time with patients, they are the ones with mostly accurate and saddening testimonies of how they see them killed.
There is an uncomfortable question that needs to be asked. It is uncomfortable because the answer is reminiscent of inhumane horrors we associate with as chambers in Nazi Germany. In any case, the question is: Were unvaccinated people targeted and ‘murdered’ by hospitals during COVID? Well, it turns out that Remdesivir, ventilators, drug cocktails — these and others are increasingly being called parts of the “hospital murder protocol” that targeted the unvaccinated, and was partly driven by the greed of these institutions, in addition (of course) to the depopulation agenda.
But, a number of hospitals have even tried to continue the problem in the post-COVID era! For instance, a Dr John Littell has warned that “hospitals perpetuate Covid hysteria with near-universal screening of patients for Covid – and also label unvaxxed patients as so-called “opportunities” to administer Covid shots to vulnerable inpatients.
Now, here’s something about Dr John Littell, which makes his warning fairly critical to note. Dr. Littell, a longtime family physician in Ocala and a medical school professor, began posting videos sharing his thoughts about COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines early in the pandemic. He was frustrated to find his content often was pulled down from his YouTube channel. But, he fought against what he saw as censorship by moving the content to other platforms, such as Rumble.
Then, in January 2022 and again five months later, he received warning letters from the American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM), the organisation that issued his certification for his medical specialty. The letter stated that his videos on YouTube and Rumble spread “medical misinformation” and could put his board certification in jeopardy.
Now, the ABFM is the third largest of the 24 boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties. More than 100,000 family medicine doctors are certified by the board, according to its website. To keep their certification, physicians must uphold the board’s ethical standards and “guidelines for professionalism, licensure, and personal conduct,” the website states. Well, in letters from the board, Dr. Littell was told his public statements violated those guidelines. Dr. Littell responded to the letters and continued to speak publicly and post videos about the subjects. In fact, months later, when he didn’t hear back, Dr. Littell said he thought the threat was gone. That was until he was escorted out of a Sarasota Memorial Hospital board meeting in February for approaching a board member behind the dais. He wanted to thank the board member for letting him speak at the meeting. He didn’t realise that move would be painted as inappropriate. In any case, this was followed by a number of protests, including medical freedom activists filling the boardroom to speak against the public hospital’s policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
All of this is to say that Dr John Littell is among the physicians who refused to cower to the lies of the COVID propagators, and was even made to pay the price for it. Although, thankfully, he has regained his board certification.
And, once again, it is critical to note that some hospitals are actually legally (so to speak) injuring and killing patients. More alarming is the fact that this has to do with plain poor hospital care for vulnerable patients, who end up being ill-treated in the absence of an advocate. Among such patients are often the elderly. While elder abuse can happen anywhere, it is especially prevalent in institutional settings like nursing homes and hospitals! Reports indicate that around 1 in 6 elderly persons experienced some form of abuse in community settings, such as nursing homes, in 2021. HOWEVER, data on the extent of elder abuse in hospitals is scarce and difficult to obtain, in large part because many cases of elder abuse are not reported or recognised by healthcare providers, family members, or the victims themselves.
That said, studies conducted in different nations have attempted to estimate the prevalence and characteristics of elder abuse in hospitals. For example, a study conducted in China found that 36.2% of hospitalised older adults reported experiencing at least one type of abuse during their hospital stay. Another study conducted in Brazil found that 32% of hospitalised older adults reported experiencing at least one type of abuse during their hospital stay. Still, one can expect that in reality, these numbers are, unfortunately, much higher. But here’s a doctor explaining the extent of the abuse when it relates to how medicine is and IS NOT administered.
Well, even though elderly abuse tends not to be reported extensively, why are hospitals not evaluating their care practices and how they contribute to the health challenges experienced by patients – especially because many of the challenges mentioned by the doctor we just heard are now fairly known. For instance, many people are aware of the potential to contract infections in a hospital; many people are also aware of the potential to contract superbugs, which are strains of bacteria that are resistant to several types of antibiotics, as a result of overexposure to antibiotics. Therefore, the immediate question that follows these revelations is what is then being done to address these issues. And, unfortunately, according to the same doctor, not much.
So, it appears that not only are hospitals placing profit above patient care by denying them medicines that cost from $5 to $50 dollars, but they are also not liable for the issues resulting from their poor care practices? This means there might not be an incentive for improvement in patient care. And I say this considering hospitals that are especially well-resourced, and have the capacity to do better; because – often – the reason why denying a patient medicine is a problem is NOT because the medicine is not there. When a hospital lacks the necessary resources for procedures and care, it is a shortage problem and not necessarily one that we attribute to the care practices of hospitals themselves.
However, when we make the agenda of the adversary plain, the veil of deception is indeed being broken – in fact, Proverbs 11:9 tells us that “…through knowledge shall the just be delivered.” And, now more than ever, we must also use the spiritual weapons at our disposal. And as we keep saying here on ‘The War Room’, with our praises to God, with our prayers, our faith’s proclamations and prophecies, we have the victory; For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds! And so, with these mighty weapons, let us keep fighting because, truly, we have already won.
Written by Lindokuhle Mabaso

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