October: A Month of Excellence Declared by Pastor Chris

Congratulations on the month of Excellence, as declared by the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome DSC DSC DD, during the Global Communion Service last night.
The man of God started off by sharing on the events happening in our world that are a culmination of the agenda of the evil one using organizations and individuals with the nefarious goal of drastically reducing the world population through weaponizing the food supply chain and other avenues. The agenda was exposed through the documentary on the use of the harmful fluoride in various products to the detrimental of the users in the long run. Reading from 3 John 1:2, The man of God, emphasized that it is God’s desire for believers to prosper spiritually, financially, and physically. Therefore sickness and disease are not God’s children’s portion. The man of God,Pastor Chris went further and gave a prophetic warning about a devastating plan involving cloud seeding, nano-weapons, and the manipulation of climate change to destroy a particular city as a warning and test of the capabilities of the perpetrators. He urged the global congregation to pray for their cities, as prayer will help prevent the suffering from the consequences of ignorance. 
Shedding more light on the Month of Excellence. The man of God explained that Christians have been brought out of darkness (obscurity) into God’s marvelous light, making them lambent—illuminated and transformed into sources of light themselves, explaining from (1 Peter 2:9). 
 Pastor Chris encouraged believers to affirm their identity in Christ, to understand that they are the pride of generations, and that God’s purpose is to make them an eternal excellency reading from Isaiah 60:15. The message further highlighted the continuous renewal of believers’s inner man (2 Corinthians 4:16), with the Holy Spirit playing a key role in transforming their character. Pastor Chris used Daniel as an example of someone who operated with divine wisdom and an excellent spirit, and he encouraged believers to walk in that same excellence.
This month, he emphasized, is a time to reject foolishness, grow in spiritual maturity, and practice excellence in every aspect of life. Ephesians 5:1-8 was a reminder to live as children of light, abstaining from behaviors like anger, bitterness, and immoral conduct, while instead living in righteousness, holiness, and forgiveness. I am excited about this month of excellence, and you should too.

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