Tanzania Releases Arrested Opposition Leaders, Blocks Protest

#Politics & Current Affairs

Tanzania Releases Arrested Opposition Leaders, Blocks Protest

Loveworld / 1 hour

September 24, 2024

1 min read

Tanzania’s top opposition leaders were released late Monday after their detention by police, who sought to prevent a mass protest in Dar es Salaam. The Chadema party had planned the rally to address allegations of kidnappings and killings of its members by security forces.
Despite an official ban, Chadema chairman Freeman Mbowe and deputy Tundu Lissu were quickly arrested along with dozens of others. Mbowe had previously emphasized that their protests would be peaceful and aimed at advocating for a better country.
The party accused the government of employing repressive tactics reminiscent of former President John Magufuli’s administration. The recent wave of detentions follows a larger crackdown in August when hundreds were arrested during a youth rally.
Chadema has faced increasing pressure from authorities, with claims that recent demonstrations could turn violent. Rights groups and international governments have condemned the government’s actions ahead of local elections scheduled for November and a general election in 2025.

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