Azerbaijan Applies to Join BRICS, Joining India, Russia, and China in Expanding Bloc

In a notable development, Azerbaijan has formally applied to join the BRICS bloc of developing economies following a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. This application underscores Azerbaijan’s strategic intent to deepen its global economic partnerships and enhance its role in international affairs.
BRICS, which originally comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has recently expanded its reach. New members including Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates joined in January, and Saudi Arabia is reportedly considering joining the bloc as well. This expansion highlights the growing interest and influence of BRICS on the global stage.
The timing of Azerbaijan’s application is particularly significant, coming a day after President Putin’s visit to the oil-rich South Caucasus country. During the visit, Putin emphasized the importance of maintaining strong regional ties and ensuring the security of Moscow’s trade routes through Azerbaijan amid ongoing geopolitical tensions.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev revealed that $120 million has been allocated to enhance cargo transport with Russia, reflecting the high priority placed on strengthening economic and business relations. The move aligns with Azerbaijan’s broader strategy to secure its national interests and maintain stability in the region, especially given its ongoing tensions with neighboring Armenia.
Political scientist Zardusht Alizade highlighted that Russia’s engagement with countries like Azerbaijan is crucial due to Western trade sanctions imposed on Moscow in response to its actions in Ukraine. For Azerbaijan, maintaining peaceful relations with Russia is vital for its national security and regional stability.
As BRICS evolves, it is increasingly shaping a multipolar world order that challenges traditional notions of global dominance. The bloc’s expansion reflects a broader shift towards a more balanced and diverse global economic and political landscape, where resource control and geopolitical influence are being redefined.

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