Russia Denies Report About Indirect Talks with Ukraine

On August 18, Russia conducted its third ballistic missile attack on Kyiv this month, according to the city’s military administration. Fortunately, most of the missiles were reportedly intercepted before reaching their targets. Residents in Kyiv were seen inspecting the damage caused by what is believed to be a North Korean missile. Thankfully, there have been no immediate reports of casualties.
Both Russia and Ukraine have accused each other of targeting civilian infrastructure during the ongoing conflict, but each side denies these allegations.
In the meantime, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that his forces have strengthened their positions in Russia’s Kursk region. This comes nearly two weeks into their incursion, with Ukrainian troops reportedly seizing over 80 settlements and 444 square miles since August 6. Zelenskyy has called for decisive support from Kyiv’s allies, specifically requesting long-range strike capabilities.
As the conflict escalates, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has highlighted a tense standoff along Belarus’s border with Ukraine. Lukashenko reported that Ukraine has stationed over 120,000 troops along the border, prompting Belarus to deploy nearly a third of its armed forces to the area.
Amidst these developments, Russia has firmly denied reports of indirect negotiations with Ukraine regarding a potential agreement to halt strikes on energy and power infrastructure. A spokesperson for Russia’s foreign ministry dismissed the claims, stating that there were no ongoing talks to interrupt. This response was in reaction to a Washington Post report suggesting that Ukraine and Russia were planning to send delegations to Qatar this month for landmark negotiations.
The situation remains fluid, with ongoing military actions and diplomatic efforts shaping the future of the conflict.

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