You’re A Masterpiece!

Don’t allow life’s circumstances define who you are and make you discredit yourself. You are an amazing, wonderful masterpiece of God.

Never put yourself down to please anyone. If you keep doing that, it won’t do you any good. Some people focus too much on their flaws and mistakes, forgetting the innate beauty they were born with. Beauty is not measured by how tall, slim, or perfect you appear. Beauty is in being who God made you to be with confidence. Irrespective of how you are, take what you have and make a success out of your life. God made you as you are on purpose. He gave you your looks, height, your personality on purpose.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. – Psalms 139 vs 14

You are the best of you! Nothing about you is by accident. God calls you His masterpiece. You are special; there’s nothing ordinary about you. Rather than being down on yourself and discrediting who you are and focusing on all your mistakes. I wonder what would happen if you focus on the masterpiece God has created you to be and declare, “I am excellent”. “I am amazing”. “I am valuable”.  “I am blessed”. ” I am favoured”. The good news is when you talk like this consistently, whatever follows the “I am” will eventually follow you.

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2 months ago

Very inspiring article

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